import { decodeURIComponent_ } from './url.ts' export type Cookie = Record export type SignedCookie = Record export type CookieOptions = { domain?: string expires?: Date httpOnly?: boolean maxAge?: number path?: string secure?: boolean signingSecret?: string sameSite?: 'Strict' | 'Lax' | 'None' } const algorithm = { name: 'HMAC', hash: 'SHA-256' } const getCryptoKey = async (secret: string | BufferSource): Promise => { const secretBuf = typeof secret === 'string' ? new TextEncoder().encode(secret) : secret return await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', secretBuf, algorithm, false, ['sign', 'verify']) } const makeSignature = async (value: string, secret: string | BufferSource): Promise => { const key = await getCryptoKey(secret) const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign(, key, new TextEncoder().encode(value)) // the returned base64 encoded signature will always be 44 characters long and end with one or two equal signs return btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(signature))) } const verifySignature = async ( base64Signature: string, value: string, secret: CryptoKey ): Promise => { try { const signatureBinStr = atob(base64Signature) const signature = new Uint8Array(signatureBinStr.length) for (let i = 0; i < signatureBinStr.length; i++) signature[i] = signatureBinStr.charCodeAt(i) return await crypto.subtle.verify(algorithm, secret, signature, new TextEncoder().encode(value)) } catch (e) { return false } } // all alphanumeric chars and all of _!#$%&'*.^`|~+- // (see: const validCookieNameRegEx = /^[\w!#$%&'*.^`|~+-]+$/ // all ASCII chars 32-126 except 34, 59, and 92 (i.e. space to tilde but not double quote, semicolon, or backslash) // (see: // // note: the spec also prohibits comma and space, but we allow both since they are very common in the real world // (see: const validCookieValueRegEx = /^[ !#-:<-[\]-~]*$/ export const parse = (cookie: string, name?: string): Cookie => { const pairs = cookie.trim().split(';') return pairs.reduce((parsedCookie, pairStr) => { pairStr = pairStr.trim() const valueStartPos = pairStr.indexOf('=') if (valueStartPos === -1) return parsedCookie const cookieName = pairStr.substring(0, valueStartPos).trim() if ((name && name !== cookieName) || !validCookieNameRegEx.test(cookieName)) return parsedCookie let cookieValue = pairStr.substring(valueStartPos + 1).trim() if (cookieValue.startsWith('"') && cookieValue.endsWith('"')) cookieValue = cookieValue.slice(1, -1) if (validCookieValueRegEx.test(cookieValue)) parsedCookie[cookieName] = decodeURIComponent_(cookieValue) return parsedCookie }, {} as Cookie) } export const parseSigned = async ( cookie: string, secret: string | BufferSource, name?: string ): Promise => { const parsedCookie: SignedCookie = {} const secretKey = await getCryptoKey(secret) for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(parse(cookie, name))) { const signatureStartPos = value.lastIndexOf('.') if (signatureStartPos < 1) continue const signedValue = value.substring(0, signatureStartPos) const signature = value.substring(signatureStartPos + 1) if (signature.length !== 44 || !signature.endsWith('=')) continue const isVerified = await verifySignature(signature, signedValue, secretKey) parsedCookie[key] = isVerified ? signedValue : false } return parsedCookie } const _serialize = (name: string, value: string, opt: CookieOptions = {}): string => { let cookie = `${name}=${value}` if (opt && typeof opt.maxAge === 'number' && opt.maxAge >= 0) { cookie += `; Max-Age=${Math.floor(opt.maxAge)}` } if (opt.domain) { cookie += '; Domain=' + opt.domain } if (opt.path) { cookie += '; Path=' + opt.path } if (opt.expires) { cookie += '; Expires=' + opt.expires.toUTCString() } if (opt.httpOnly) { cookie += '; HttpOnly' } if ( { cookie += '; Secure' } if (opt.sameSite) { cookie += `; SameSite=${opt.sameSite}` } return cookie } export const serialize = (name: string, value: string, opt: CookieOptions = {}): string => { value = encodeURIComponent(value) return _serialize(name, value, opt) } export const serializeSigned = async ( name: string, value: string, secret: string | BufferSource, opt: CookieOptions = {} ): Promise => { const signature = await makeSignature(value, secret) value = `${value}.${signature}` value = encodeURIComponent(value) return _serialize(name, value, opt) }