import { Readable } from 'stream' import { handle, streamHandle } from '../../src/adapter/aws-lambda/handler' import type { LambdaEvent } from '../../src/adapter/aws-lambda/handler' import type { ApiGatewayRequestContext, ApiGatewayRequestContextV2, LambdaContext, } from '../../src/adapter/aws-lambda/types' import { getCookie, setCookie } from '../../src/helper/cookie' import { streamSSE } from '../../src/helper/streaming' import { Hono } from '../../src/hono' import { basicAuth } from '../../src/middleware/basic-auth' import './mock' type Bindings = { event: LambdaEvent lambdaContext: LambdaContext requestContext: ApiGatewayRequestContext | ApiGatewayRequestContextV2 } const testApiGatewayRequestContextV2 = { accountId: '123456789012', apiId: 'urlid', authentication: null, authorizer: { iam: { accessKey: 'AKIA...', accountId: '111122223333', callerId: 'AIDA...', cognitoIdentity: null, principalOrgId: null, userArn: 'arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/example-user', userId: 'AIDA...', }, }, domainName: '', domainPrefix: '', http: { method: 'POST', path: '/my/path', protocol: 'HTTP/1.1', sourceIp: '', userAgent: 'agent', }, requestId: 'id', routeKey: '$default', stage: '$default', time: '12/Mar/2020:19:03:58 +0000', timeEpoch: 1583348638390, customProperty: 'customValue', } describe('AWS Lambda Adapter for Hono', () => { const app = new Hono<{ Bindings: Bindings }>() app.get('/', (c) => { return c.text('Hello Lambda!') }) app.get('/binary', (c) => { return c.body('Fake Image', 200, { 'Content-Type': 'image/png', }) })'/post', async (c) => { const body = (await c.req.parseBody()) as { message: string } return c.text(body.message) })'/post/binary', async (c) => { const body = await c.req.blob() return c.text(`${body.size} bytes`) }) const username = 'hono-user-a' const password = 'hono-password-a' app.use('/auth/*', basicAuth({ username, password })) app.get('/auth/abc', (c) => c.text('Good Night Lambda!')) app.get('/lambda-event', (c) => { const event = c.env.event return c.json(event) }) app.get('/lambda-context', (c) => { const fnctx = c.env.lambdaContext return c.json(fnctx) }) app.get('/custom-context/v1/apigw', (c) => { const lambdaContext = c.env.requestContext return c.json(lambdaContext) }) app.get('/custom-context/apigw', (c) => { const lambdaContext = c.env.event.requestContext return c.json(lambdaContext) }) app.get('/custom-context/v1/lambda', (c) => { const lambdaContext = c.env.requestContext return c.json(lambdaContext) }) app.get('/custom-context/lambda', (c) => { const lambdaContext = c.env.event.requestContext return c.json(lambdaContext) }) app.get('/query-params', (c) => { const queryParams = c.req.query() return c.json(queryParams) }) app.get('/multi-query-params', (c) => { const multiQueryParams = c.req.queries() return c.json(multiQueryParams) }) const testCookie1 = { key: 'id', value: crypto.randomUUID(), get serialized() { return `${this.key}=${this.value}; Path=/` }, } const testCookie2 = { key: 'secret', value: crypto.randomUUID(), get serialized() { return `${this.key}=${this.value}; Path=/` }, }'/cookie', (c) => { setCookie(c, testCookie1.key, testCookie1.value) setCookie(c, testCookie2.key, testCookie2.value) return c.text('Cookies Set') }) app.get('/cookie', (c) => { const validCookies = getCookie(c, testCookie1.key) === testCookie1.value && getCookie(c, testCookie2.key) === testCookie2.value if (!validCookies) { return c.text('Invalid Cookies') } return c.text('Valid Cookies') })'/headers', (c) => { if (c.req.header('foo')?.includes('bar')) { return c.json({ message: 'ok' }) } return c.json({ message: 'fail' }, 400) }) const handler = handle(app) const testApiGatewayRequestContext = { accountId: '123456789012', apiId: 'id', authorizer: { claims: null, scopes: null, }, domainName: '', domainPrefix: 'id', extendedRequestId: 'request-id', httpMethod: 'GET', identity: { sourceIp: 'IP', userAgent: 'user-agent', }, path: '/my/path', protocol: 'HTTP/1.1', requestId: 'id=', requestTime: '04/Mar/2020:19:15:17 +0000', requestTimeEpoch: 1583349317135, resourcePath: '/', stage: '$default', customProperty: 'customValue', } const testApiGatewayRequestContextV2 = { accountId: '123456789012', apiId: 'urlid', authentication: null, authorizer: { iam: { accessKey: 'AKIA...', accountId: '111122223333', callerId: 'AIDA...', cognitoIdentity: null, principalOrgId: null, userArn: 'arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/example-user', userId: 'AIDA...', }, }, domainName: '', domainPrefix: '', http: { method: 'POST', path: '/my/path', protocol: 'HTTP/1.1', sourceIp: '', userAgent: 'agent', }, requestId: 'id', routeKey: '$default', stage: '$default', time: '12/Mar/2020:19:03:58 +0000', timeEpoch: 1583348638390, customProperty: 'customValue', } const testALBRequestContext = { elb: { targetGroupArn: 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:123456789012:targetgroup/lambda-279XGJDqGZ5rsrHC2Fjr/49e9d65c45c6791a', }, } it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response', async () => { const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, path: '/', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('Hello Lambda!') expect(response.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(response.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response with binary', async () => { const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/binary', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: {}, path: '/binary', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('RmFrZSBJbWFnZQ==') expect(response.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^image\/png/) expect(response.isBase64Encoded).toBe(true) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response (LambdaFunctionUrlEvent)', async () => { const event = { version: '2.0', routeKey: '$default', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, rawPath: '/', rawQueryString: '', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContextV2, } testApiGatewayRequestContextV2.http.method = 'GET' const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('Hello Lambda!') expect(response.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(response.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response (ALBEvent)', async () => { const event = { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, httpMethod: 'GET', path: '/', queryStringParameters: { query: '1234ABCD', }, body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('Hello Lambda!') expect(response.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(response.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 404 response', async () => { const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/nothing', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, path: '/nothing', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404) }) it('Should handle a POST request and return a 200 response', async () => { const searchParam = new URLSearchParams() searchParam.append('message', 'Good Morning Lambda!') const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/post', httpMethod: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, path: '/post', body: Buffer.from(searchParam.toString()).toString('base64'), isBase64Encoded: true, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('Good Morning Lambda!') }) it('Should handle a POST request and return a 200 response (LambdaFunctionUrlEvent)', async () => { const searchParam = new URLSearchParams() searchParam.append('message', 'Good Morning Lambda!') const event = { version: '2.0', routeKey: '$default', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, rawPath: '/post', rawQueryString: '', body: Buffer.from(searchParam.toString()).toString('base64'), isBase64Encoded: true, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContextV2, } testApiGatewayRequestContextV2.http.method = 'POST' const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('Good Morning Lambda!') }) it('Should handle a POST request with binary and return a 200 response', async () => { const array = new Uint8Array([0xc0, 0xff, 0xee]) const buffer = Buffer.from(array) const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/post/binary', httpMethod: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, path: '/post/binary', body: buffer.toString('base64'), isBase64Encoded: true, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('3 bytes') }) it('Should handle a request and return a 401 response with Basic auth', async () => { const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/auth/abc', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'plain/text', }, path: '/auth/abc', body: null, isBase64Encoded: true, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401) }) it('Should handle a request and return a 200 response with Basic auth', async () => { const credential = 'aG9uby11c2VyLWE6aG9uby1wYXNzd29yZC1h' const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/auth/abc', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'plain/text', Authorization: `Basic ${credential}`, }, path: '/auth/abc', body: null, isBase64Encoded: true, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(response.body).toBe('Good Night Lambda!') }) it('Should handle a GET request and return custom context', async () => { const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/custom-context/apigw', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, path: '/custom-context/apigw', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const response = await handler(event) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body).customProperty).toEqual('customValue') }) it('Should handle a GET request and context', async () => { const event = { version: '1.0', resource: '/lambda-context', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, path: '/lambda-context', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const context: LambdaContext = { callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop: false, functionName: 'myLambdaFunction', functionVersion: '1.0.0', invokedFunctionArn: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:myLambdaFunction', memoryLimitInMB: '128', awsRequestId: 'c6af9ac6-a7b0-11e6-80f5-76304dec7eb7', logGroupName: '/aws/lambda/myLambdaFunction', logStreamName: '2016/11/14/[$LATEST]f2d4b21cfb33490da2e8f8ef79a483s4', getRemainingTimeInMillis: () => { return 60000 // 60 seconds }, } const response = await handler(event, context) expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body).callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop).toEqual(false) }) it('Should handle a POST request and return a 200 response with cookies set (APIGatewayProxyEvent V1 and V2)', async () => { const apiGatewayEvent = { version: '1.0', resource: '/cookie', httpMethod: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, path: '/cookie', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const apiGatewayResponse = await handler(apiGatewayEvent) expect(apiGatewayResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(apiGatewayResponse.multiValueHeaders).toHaveProperty('set-cookie', [ testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized, ]) const apiGatewayEventV2 = { version: '2.0', routeKey: '$default', httpMethod: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, rawPath: '/cookie', rawQueryString: '', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContextV2, } const apiGatewayResponseV2 = await handler(apiGatewayEventV2) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2).toHaveProperty('cookies', [ testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized, ]) }) describe('headers', () => { describe('single-value headers', () => { it('Should extract single-value headers and return 200 (ALBProxyEvent)', async () => { const event = { body: '{}', httpMethod: 'POST', isBase64Encoded: false, path: '/headers', headers: { host: 'localhost', foo: 'bar', }, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(event) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.headers).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }) ) }) it('Should extract single-value headers and return 200 (APIGatewayProxyEvent)', async () => { const apigatewayProxyEvent = { version: '1.0', resource: '/headers', httpMethod: 'POST', headers: { host: 'localhost', foo: 'bar', }, path: '/headers', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const apiGatewayResponseV2 = await handler(apigatewayProxyEvent) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.statusCode).toBe(200) }) it('Should extract single-value headers and return 200 (APIGatewayProxyEventV2)', async () => { const apigatewayProxyV2Event = { version: '2.0', routeKey: '$default', headers: { host: 'localhost', foo: 'bar', }, rawPath: '/headers', rawQueryString: '', requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContextV2, resource: '/headers', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, } const apiGatewayResponseV2 = await handler(apigatewayProxyV2Event) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.statusCode).toBe(200) }) }) describe('multi-value headers', () => { it('Should extract multi-value headers and return 200 (ALBProxyEvent)', async () => { const event = { body: '{}', httpMethod: 'POST', isBase64Encoded: false, path: '/headers', multiValueHeaders: { host: ['localhost'], foo: ['bar'], }, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(event) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.multiValueHeaders).toBeDefined() expect(albResponse.multiValueHeaders).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ 'content-type': ['application/json; charset=UTF-8'], }) ) }) it('Should extract multi-value headers and return 200 (APIGatewayProxyEvent)', async () => { const apigatewayProxyEvent = { version: '1.0', resource: '/headers', httpMethod: 'POST', headers: {}, multiValueHeaders: { host: ['localhost'], foo: ['bar'], }, path: '/headers', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const apiGatewayResponseV2 = await handler(apigatewayProxyEvent) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.statusCode).toBe(200) }) }) }) it('Should handle a POST request and return a 200 response if cookies match (APIGatewayProxyEvent V1 and V2)', async () => { const apiGatewayEvent = { version: '1.0', resource: '/cookie', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain', cookie: [testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized].join('; '), }, path: '/cookie', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContext, } const apiGatewayResponse = await handler(apiGatewayEvent) expect(apiGatewayResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(apiGatewayResponse.body).toBe('Valid Cookies') expect(apiGatewayResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(apiGatewayResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) const apiGatewayEventV2 = { version: '2.0', routeKey: '$default', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, rawPath: '/cookie', cookies: [testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized], rawQueryString: '', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContextV2, } testApiGatewayRequestContextV2.http.method = 'GET' const apiGatewayResponseV2 = await handler(apiGatewayEventV2) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.body).toBe('Valid Cookies') expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(apiGatewayResponseV2.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response if cookies match (ALBProxyEvent) with default headers', async () => { const albEventDefaultHeaders = { version: '1.0', resource: '/cookie', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain', cookie: [testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized].join('; '), }, path: '/cookie', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(albEventDefaultHeaders) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.body).toBe('Valid Cookies') expect(albResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(albResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response if cookies match (ALBProxyEvent) with multi value headers', async () => { const albEventMultiValueHeaders = { version: '1.0', resource: '/cookie', httpMethod: 'GET', multiValueHeaders: { 'content-type': ['text/plain'], cookie: [testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized], }, path: '/cookie', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(albEventMultiValueHeaders) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.body).toBe('Valid Cookies') expect(albResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(albResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a POST request and return a 200 response with cookies (ALBProxyEvent) with default headers', async () => { const albEventDefaultHeaders = { version: '1.0', resource: '/cookie', httpMethod: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain', cookie: [testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized].join(', '), }, path: '/cookie', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(albEventDefaultHeaders) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.body).toBe('Cookies Set') expect(albResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(albResponse.multiValueHeaders).toBeUndefined() expect(albResponse.headers['set-cookie']).toEqual( [testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized].join(', ') ) expect(albResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a POST request and return a 200 response with cookies (ALBProxyEvent) with multi value headers', async () => { const albEventDefaultHeaders = { version: '1.0', resource: '/cookie', httpMethod: 'POST', multiValueHeaders: { 'content-type': ['text/plain'], cookie: [testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized], }, path: '/cookie', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(albEventDefaultHeaders) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.body).toBe('Cookies Set') expect(albResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^text\/plain/) expect(albResponse.multiValueHeaders).toBeDefined() expect(albResponse.multiValueHeaders && albResponse.multiValueHeaders['set-cookie']).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([testCookie1.serialized, testCookie2.serialized]) ) expect(albResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response with queryStringParameters (ALBProxyEvent)', async () => { const albEventDefaultHeaders = { resource: '/query-params', httpMethod: 'GET', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, queryStringParameters: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2', }, path: '/query-params', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(albEventDefaultHeaders) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.body).toContain( JSON.stringify({ key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2', }) ) expect(albResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^application\/json/) expect(albResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response with single value multiQueryStringParameters (ALBProxyEvent)', async () => { const albEventDefaultHeaders = { resource: '/query-params', httpMethod: 'GET', multiValueHeaders: { 'content-type': ['application/json'], }, multiValueQueryStringParameters: { key1: ['value1'], key2: ['value2'], }, path: '/query-params', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(albEventDefaultHeaders) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.body).toContain( JSON.stringify({ key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2', }) ) expect(albResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^application\/json/) expect(albResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) it('Should handle a GET request and return a 200 response with multi value multiQueryStringParameters (ALBProxyEvent)', async () => { const albEventDefaultHeaders = { resource: '/query-params', httpMethod: 'GET', multiValueHeaders: { 'content-type': ['application/json'], }, multiValueQueryStringParameters: { key1: ['value1'], key2: ['value2', 'otherValue2'], }, path: '/multi-query-params', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testALBRequestContext, } const albResponse = await handler(albEventDefaultHeaders) expect(albResponse.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(albResponse.body).toContain( JSON.stringify({ key1: ['value1'], key2: ['value2', 'otherValue2'], }) ) expect(albResponse.headers['content-type']).toMatch(/^application\/json/) expect(albResponse.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false) }) }) describe('streamHandle function', () => { const app = new Hono<{ Bindings: Bindings }>() app.get('/', (c) => { return c.text('Hello Lambda!') }) app.get('/stream/text', async (c) => { return c.streamText(async (stream) => { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { await stream.writeln(`${i}`) await stream.sleep(1) } }) }) app.get('/sse', async (c) => { return streamSSE(c, async (stream) => { let id = 0 const maxIterations = 2 while (id < maxIterations) { const message = `Message\nIt is ${id}` await stream.writeSSE({ data: message, event: 'time-update', id: String(id++) }) await stream.sleep(10) } }) }) const handler = streamHandle(app) it('Should streamHandle a GET request and return a 200 response (LambdaFunctionUrlEvent)', async () => { const event = { headers: { 'content-type': ' binary/octet-stream' }, rawPath: '/stream/text', rawQueryString: '', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContextV2, } testApiGatewayRequestContextV2.http.method = 'GET' const mockReadableStream = new Readable({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function read() {}, }) mockReadableStream.push('0\n') mockReadableStream.push('1\n') mockReadableStream.push('2\n') mockReadableStream.push('3\n') mockReadableStream.push(null) // EOF await handler(event, mockReadableStream) const chunks = [] for await (const chunk of mockReadableStream) { chunks.push(chunk) } expect(chunks.join('')).toContain('0\n1\n2\n3\n') }) it('Should handle a GET request for an SSE stream and return the correct chunks', async () => { const event = { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/event-stream' }, rawPath: '/sse', rawQueryString: '', body: null, isBase64Encoded: false, requestContext: testApiGatewayRequestContextV2, } testApiGatewayRequestContextV2.http.method = 'GET' const mockReadableStream = new Readable({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function read() {}, }) const initContentType = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.awslambda.http-integration-response', } mockReadableStream.push(JSON.stringify(initContentType)) // Send JSON formatted response headers, followed by 8 NULL characters as a separator const httpResponseMetadata = { statusCode: 200, headers: { 'Custom-Header': 'value' }, cookies: ['session=abcd1234'], } const jsonResponsePrelude = JSON.stringify(httpResponseMetadata) + Buffer.alloc(8, 0).toString() mockReadableStream.push(jsonResponsePrelude) mockReadableStream.push('data: Message\ndata: It is 0\n\n') mockReadableStream.push('data: Message\ndata: It is 1\n\n') mockReadableStream.push(null) // EOF await handler(event, mockReadableStream) const chunks = [] for await (const chunk of mockReadableStream) { chunks.push(chunk) } // If you have chunks, you might want to convert them to strings before checking const output = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString() expect(output).toContain('data: Message\ndata: It is 0\n\n') expect(output).toContain('data: Message\ndata: It is 1\n\n') // Assertions for the newly added header and prelude expect(output).toContain('application/vnd.awslambda.http-integration-response') expect(output).toContain('Custom-Header') expect(output).toContain('session=abcd1234') // Check for JSON prelude and NULL sequence const nullSequence = '\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000' expect(output).toContain(jsonResponsePrelude.replace(nullSequence, '')) }) })