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Routers used in Hono are really smart. - **TrieRouter**(default) - Implemented with Trie tree structure. - **RegExpRouter** - Match the route with using one big Regex made before dispatch. ## Hono in 1 minute A demonstration to create an application for Cloudflare Workers with Hono. ![Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10682/151973526-342644f9-71c5-4fee-81f4-64a7558bb192.gif) ## Not only fast Hono is fast. But not only fast. ### Write Less, do more Built-in middleware make _"**Write Less, do more**"_ in reality. You can use a lot of middleware without writing code from scratch. Below are examples. - [Basic Authentication](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/basic-auth/) - [Cookie parsing / serializing](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/cookie/) - [CORS](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/cors/) - [ETag](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/etag/) - [GraphQL Server](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/graphql-server/) - [html](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/html/) - [JSX](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/jsx/) - [JWT Authentication](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/jwt/) - [Logger](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/logger/) - [Mustache template engine](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/mustache/) (Only for Cloudflare Workers) - [JSON pretty printing](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/pretty-json/) - [Serving static files](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware/serve-static/) (Only for Cloudflare Workers) To enable logger and Etag middleware with just this code. ```ts import { Hono } from 'hono' import { etag } from 'hono/etag' import { logger } from 'hono/logger' const app = new Hono() app.use('*', etag(), logger()) ``` And, the routing of Hono is so flexible. It's easy to construct large web applications. ```ts import { Hono } from 'hono' import { basicAuth } from 'hono/basic-auth' const v1 = new Hono() v1.get('/posts', (c) => { return c.text('list posts') }) .post(basicAuth({ username, password }), (c) => { return c.text('created!', 201) }) .get('/posts/:id', (c) => { const id = c.req.param('id') return c.text(`your id is ${id}`) }) const app = new Hono() app.route('/v1', v1) ``` ### Web Standard Request and Response object used in Hono are extensions of the Web Standard [Fetch API](https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API). If you are familiar with that, you don't need to know more than that. ### Developer Experience Hono provides fine _"**Developer Experience**"_. Easy access to Request/Response thanks to the `Context` object. Above all, Hono is written in TypeScript. So, Hono has _"**Types**"_! For example, the named path parameters will be literal types. ![Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10682/154179671-9e491597-6778-44ac-a8e6-4483d7ad5393.png) ## Install You can install Hono from the npm registry. ```sh npm install hono ``` ## Methods An instance of `Hono` has these methods. - app.**HTTP_METHOD**(\[path,\]handler|middleware...) - app.**all**(\[path,\]handler|middleware...) - app.**route**(path, \[app\]) - app.**use**(\[path,\]middleware) - app.**notFound**(handler) - app.**onError**(err, handler) - app.**fire**() - app.**fetch**(request, env, event) - app.**request**(path, options) ## Routing ### Basic ```ts // HTTP Methods app.get('/', (c) => c.text('GET /')) app.post('/', (c) => c.text('POST /')) app.put('/', (c) => c.text('PUT /')) app.delete('/', (c) => c.text('DELETE /')) // Wildcard app.get('/wild/*/card', (c) => { return c.text('GET /wild/*/card') }) // Any HTTP methods app.all('/hello', (c) => c.text('Any Method /hello')) ``` ### Named Parameter ```ts app.get('/user/:name', (c) => { const name = c.req.param('name') ... }) ``` or all parameters at once: ```ts app.get('/posts/:id/comment/:comment_id', (c) => { const { id, comment_id } = c.req.param() ... }) ``` ### Regexp ```ts app.get('/post/:date{[0-9]+}/:title{[a-z]+}', (c) => { const { date, title } = c.req.param() ... }) ``` ### Chained route ```ts app .get('/endpoint', (c) => { return c.text('GET /endpoint') }) .post((c) => { return c.text('POST /endpoint') }) .delete((c) => { return c.text('DELETE /endpoint') }) ``` ### no strict If `strict` is set false, `/hello`and`/hello/` are treated the same. ```ts const app = new Hono({ strict: false }) // Default is true app.get('/hello', (c) => c.text('/hello or /hello/')) ``` ### async/await ```js app.get('/fetch-url', async (c) => { const response = await fetch('https://example.com/') return c.text(`Status is ${response.status}`) }) ``` ## Grouping Group the routes with `Hono` instance and add them to the main app with `route` method. ```ts const book = new Hono() book.get('/', (c) => c.text('List Books')) // GET /book book.get('/:id', (c) => { // GET /book/:id const id = c.req.param('id') return c.text('Get Book: ' + id) }) book.post('/', (c) => c.text('Create Book')) // POST /book const app = new Hono() app.route('/book', book) ``` ## Middleware Middleware works after/before Handler. We can get `Request` before dispatching or manipulate `Response` after dispatching. ### Definition of Middleware - Handler - should return `Response` object. Only one handler will be called. - Middleware - should return nothing, will be proceeded to next middleware with `await next()` The user can register middleware using `c.use` or using `c.HTTP_METHOD` as well as the handlers. For this feature, it's easy to specify the path and the method. ```ts // match any method, all routes app.use('*', logger()) // specify path app.use('/posts/*', cors()) // specify method and path app.post('/posts/*', basicAuth(), bodyParse()) ``` If the handler returns `Response`, it will be used for the end-user, and stopping the processing. ```ts app.post('/posts', (c) => c.text('Created!', 201)) ``` In this case, four middleware are processed before dispatching like this: ```ts logger() -> cors() -> basicAuth() -> bodyParse() -> *handler* ``` ### Built-in Middleware Hono has built-in middleware. ```ts import { Hono } from 'hono' import { poweredBy } from 'hono/powered-by' import { logger } from 'hono/logger' import { basicAuth } from 'hono/basicAuth' const app = new Hono() app.use('*', poweredBy()) app.use('*', logger()) app.use( '/auth/*', basicAuth({ username: 'hono', password: 'acoolproject', }) ) ``` Available built-in middleware is listed on [src/middleware](https://github.com/honojs/hono/tree/master/src/middleware). ### Custom Middleware You can write your own middleware. ```ts // Custom logger app.use('*', async (c, next) => { console.log(`[${c.req.method}] ${c.req.url}`) await next() }) // Add a custom header app.use('/message/*', async (c, next) => { await next() c.header('x-message', 'This is middleware!') }) app.get('/message/hello', (c) => c.text('Hello Middleware!')) ``` ## Not Found `app.notFound` for customizing Not Found Response. ```js app.notFound((c) => { return c.text('Custom 404 Message', 404) }) ``` ## Error Handling `app.onError` handle the error and return the customized Response. ```js app.onError((err, c) => { console.error(`${err}`) return c.text('Custom Error Message', 500) }) ``` ## Context To handle Request and Response, you can use `Context` object. ### c.req ```ts // Get Request object app.get('/hello', (c) => { const userAgent = c.req.headers.get('User-Agent') ... }) // Shortcut to get a header value app.get('/shortcut', (c) => { const userAgent = c.req.header('User-Agent') ... }) // Query params app.get('/search', (c) => { const query = c.req.query('q') ... }) // Get all params at once app.get('/search', (c) => { const { q, limit, offset } = c.req.query() ... }) // Multiple query values app.get('/search', (c) => { const queries = c.req.queries('q') // ---> GET search?q=foo&q=bar // queries[0] => foo, queries[1] => bar ... }) // Captured params app.get('/entry/:id', (c) => { const id = c.req.param('id') ... }) ``` ### Shortcuts for Response ```ts app.get('/welcome', (c) => { // Set headers c.header('X-Message', 'Hello!') c.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') // Set HTTP status code c.status(201) // Return the response body return c.body('Thank you for comming') }) ``` The Response is the same as below. ```ts new Response('Thank you for comming', { status: 201, headers: { 'X-Message': 'Hello', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }, }) ``` ### c.text() Render text as `Content-Type:text/plain`. ```ts app.get('/say', (c) => { return c.text('Hello!') }) ``` ### c.json() Render JSON as `Content-Type:application/json`. ```ts app.get('/api', (c) => { return c.json({ message: 'Hello!' }) }) ``` ### c.html() Render HTML as `Content-Type:text/html`. ```ts app.get('/', (c) => { return c.html('

Hello! Hono!

') }) ``` ### c.notFound() Return the `Not Found` Response. ```ts app.get('/notfound', (c) => { return c.notFound() }) ``` ### c.redirect() Redirect, default status code is `302`. ```ts app.get('/redirect', (c) => c.redirect('/')) app.get('/redirect-permanently', (c) => c.redirect('/', 301)) ``` ### c.res ```ts // Response object app.use('/', async (c, next) => { await next() c.res.headers.append('X-Debug', 'Debug message') }) ``` ### c.executionCtx ```ts // ExecutionContext object app.get('/foo', async (c) => { c.executionCtx.waitUntil( c.env.KV.put(key, data) ) ... }) ``` ### c.event ```ts // FetchEvent object (only set when using Service Worker syntax) app.get('/foo', async (c) => { c.event.waitUntil( c.env.KV.put(key, data) ) ... }) ``` ### c.env Environment variables, secrets, and KV namespaces are known as bindings. Regardless of type, bindings are always available as global variables and can be accessed via the context `c.env.BINDING_KEY`. ```ts // Environment object for Cloudflare Workers app.get('*', async c => { const counter = c.env.COUNTER ... }) ``` ## fire `app.fire()` do this. ```ts addEventListener('fetch', (event) => { event.respondWith(this.handleEvent(event)) }) ``` ## fetch `app.fetch` for Cloudflare Module Worker syntax. ```ts export default { fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) { return app.fetch(request, env, ctx) }, } ``` or just do: ```ts export default app ``` ## request `request` is a useful method for testing. ```js test('GET /hello is ok', async () => { const res = await app.request('http://localhost/hello') expect(res.status).toBe(200) }) ``` ## router The `router` option specify which router is used inside. The default router is `TrieRouter`. If you want to use `RexExpRouter`, write like this: ```ts import { RegExpRouter } from 'hono/router/reg-exp-router' const app = new Hono({ router: new RegExpRouter() }) ``` ## Routing priority Handlers or middleware will be executed in registration order. ```ts app.get('/book/a', (c) => c.text('a')) // a app.get('/book/:slug', (c) => c.text('common')) // common ``` ```http GET /book/a ---> `a` GET /book/b ---> `common` ``` When a handler is executed, the process will be stopped. ```ts app.get('*', (c) => c.text('common')) // common app.get('/foo', (c) => c.text('foo')) // foo ``` ```http GET /foo ---> `common` // foo will not be dispatched ``` If you have the middleware that you want to execute, write the code above the handler. ```ts app.use('*', logger()) app.get('/foo', (c) => c.text('foo')) ``` If you want a "_fallback_" handler, write the code below the other handler. ```ts app.get('/foo', (c) => c.text('foo')) // foo app.get('*', (c) => c.text('fallback')) // fallback ``` ```http GET /bar ---> `fallback` ``` ## Cloudflare Workers with Hono Using [Wrangler](https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/cli-wrangler/), you can develop the application locally and publish it with few commands. Let's write your first code for Cloudflare Workers with Hono. ### 1. `wrangler init` Initialize as a wrangler project. ``` mkdir hono-example cd hono-example npx wrangler init -y ``` ### 2. `npm install hono` Install `hono` from the npm registry. ``` npm init -y npm i hono ``` ### 3. Write your app Edit `src/index.ts`. Only 4 lines!! ```ts // src/index.ts import { Hono } from 'hono' const app = new Hono() app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Hello! Hono!')) app.fire() ``` ### 4. Run Run the development server locally. Then, access `` in your Web browser. ``` npx wrangler dev ``` ### 5. Publish Deploy to Cloudflare. That's all! ``` npx wrangler publish ./src/index.ts ``` ## Starter template You can start making your Cloudflare Workers application with [the starter template](https://github.com/honojs/hono-minimal). It is really minimal using TypeScript, esbuild, Miniflare, and Jest. To generate a project skeleton, run this command. ``` npx create-cloudflare my-app https://github.com/honojs/hono-minimal ``` ## Practical Example How about writing web API with Hono? ```ts import { Hono } from 'hono' import { cors } from 'hono/cors' import { basicAuth } from 'hono/basic-auth' import { prettyJSON } from 'hono/pretty-json' import { getPosts, getPost, createPost, Post } from './model' const app = new Hono() app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Pretty Blog API')) app.use('*', prettyJSON()) app.notFound((c) => c.json({ message: 'Not Found', ok: false }, 404)) export interface Bindings { USERNAME: string PASSWORD: string } const api = new Hono() api.use('/posts/*', cors()) api.get('/posts', (c) => { const { limit, offset } = c.req.query() const posts = getPosts({ limit, offset }) return c.json({ posts }) }) api.get('/posts/:id', (c) => { const id = c.req.param('id') const post = getPost({ id }) return c.json({ post }) }) api.post( '/posts', async (c, next) => { const auth = basicAuth({ username: c.env.USERNAME, password: c.env.PASSWORD }) await auth(c, next) }, async (c) => { const post = await c.req.json() const ok = createPost({ post }) return c.json({ ok }) } ) app.route('/api', api) export default app ``` ## Other Examples - Hono Examples - ## Deno Hono also works with Deno. This feature is still experimental. ```tsx /** @jsx jsx */ import { serve } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.146.0/http/server.ts' import { Hono, logger, poweredBy, basicAuth, jsx } from 'https://deno.land/x/hono/mod.ts' const app = new Hono() app.use('*', logger(), poweredBy()) app.get( '/auth/*', basicAuth({ username: 'deno', password: 'iscool', }) ) app.get('/', (c) => { return c.html(

Hello Deno!

) }) app.get('/auth/abc', (c) => c.text('You are authorized')) serve(app.fire()) ``` ## Related projects Implementation of the original router `TrieRouter` is inspired by [goblin](https://github.com/bmf-san/goblin). `RegExpRouter` is inspired by [Router::Boom](https://github.com/tokuhirom/Router-Boom). API design is inspired by [express](https://github.com/expressjs/express) and [koa](https://github.com/koajs/koa). [itty-router](https://github.com/kwhitley/itty-router), [Sunder](https://github.com/SunderJS/sunder), and [worktop](https://github.com/lukeed/worktop) are the other routers or frameworks for Cloudflare Workers. - express - - koa - - itty-router - - Sunder - - goblin - - worktop - - Router::Boom - ## Contributing Contributions Welcome! You can contribute in the following ways. - Write or fix documents - Write code of middleware - Fix bugs - Refactor the code - etc. ## Contributors Thanks to [all contributors](https://github.com/honojs/hono/graphs/contributors)! Especially, [@metrue](https://github.com/metrue) and [@usualoma](https://github.com/usualoma)! ## Author Yusuke Wada ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.