import type { Hono } from '../hono.ts' import type { ValidationTargets } from '../types.ts' import type { UnionToIntersection } from '../utils/types.ts' import type { Callback, Client, RequestOptions } from './types.ts' import { replaceUrlParam, mergePath, removeIndexString, deepMerge } from './utils.ts' const createProxy = (callback: Callback, path: string[]) => { const proxy: unknown = new Proxy(() => {}, { get(_obj, key) { if (typeof key !== 'string') return undefined return createProxy(callback, [...path, key]) }, apply(_1, _2, args) { return callback({ path, args, }) }, }) return proxy } class ClientRequestImpl { private url: string private method: string private queryParams: URLSearchParams | undefined = undefined private pathParams: Record = {} private rBody: BodyInit | undefined private cType: string | undefined = undefined constructor(url: string, method: string) { this.url = url this.method = method } fetch = ( args?: ValidationTargets & { param?: Record }, opt?: RequestOptions ) => { if (args) { if (args.query) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(args.query)) { this.queryParams ||= new URLSearchParams() this.queryParams.set(k, v) } } if (args.queries) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(args.queries)) { for (const v2 of v) { this.queryParams ||= new URLSearchParams() this.queryParams.append(k, v2) } } } if (args.form) { const form = new FormData() for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(args.form)) { form.append(k, v) } this.rBody = form } if (args.json) { this.rBody = JSON.stringify(args.json) this.cType = 'application/json' } if (args.param) { this.pathParams = args.param } } let methodUpperCase = this.method.toUpperCase() let setBody = !(methodUpperCase === 'GET' || methodUpperCase === 'HEAD') const headerValues: Record = opt?.headers ? opt.headers : {} if (this.cType) headerValues['Content-Type'] = this.cType const headers = new Headers(headerValues ?? undefined) let url = this.url url = removeIndexString(url) url = replaceUrlParam(url, this.pathParams) if (this.queryParams) { url = url + '?' + this.queryParams.toString() } methodUpperCase = this.method.toUpperCase() setBody = !(methodUpperCase === 'GET' || methodUpperCase === 'HEAD') // Pass URL string to 1st arg for testing with MSW and node-fetch return fetch(url, { body: setBody ? this.rBody : undefined, method: methodUpperCase, headers: headers, }) } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export const hc = >(baseUrl: string, options?: RequestOptions) => createProxy(async (opts) => { const parts = [...opts.path] let method = '' if (/^\$/.test(parts[parts.length - 1])) { const last = parts.pop() if (last) { method = last.replace(/^\$/, '') } } const path = parts.join('/') const url = mergePath(baseUrl, path) const req = new ClientRequestImpl(url, method) if (method) { options ??= {} const args = deepMerge(options, { ...(opts.args[1] ?? {}) }) return req.fetch(opts.args[0], args) } return req }, []) as UnionToIntersection>