2022-07-02 06:09:45 +00:00
import { Hono } from '../../hono.ts'
import { jsx , memo , Fragment } from './index.ts'
describe ( 'JSX middleware' , ( ) = > {
const app = new Hono ( )
it ( 'Should render HTML strings' , async ( ) = > {
app . get ( '/' , ( c ) = > {
return c . html ( < h1 > Hello < / h1 > )
} )
const res = await app . request ( 'http://localhost/' )
expect ( res . status ) . toBe ( 200 )
expect ( res . headers . get ( 'Content-Type' ) ) . toBe ( 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' )
expect ( await res . text ( ) ) . toBe ( '<h1>Hello</h1>' )
} )
} )
describe ( 'render to string' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'Nested array' , ( ) = > {
const template = (
< p >
{ [ [ [ 'a' ] ] , [ [ 'b' ] ] ] . map ( ( item1 ) = >
item1 . map ( ( item2 ) = > item2 . map ( ( item3 ) = > < span > { item3 } < / span > ) )
) }
< / p >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<p><span>a</span><span>b</span></p>' )
} )
2022-07-14 23:38:09 +00:00
it ( 'Empty elements are rended withtout closing tag' , ( ) = > {
const template = ( < input / > )
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<input/>' )
} )
2022-07-02 06:09:45 +00:00
it ( 'Props value is null' , ( ) = > {
const template = < span data - hello = { null } > Hello < / span >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>Hello</span>' )
} )
it ( 'Props value is undefined' , ( ) = > {
const template = < span data - hello = { undefined } > Hello < / span >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>Hello</span>' )
} )
describe ( 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'Should render dangerouslySetInnerHTML' , ( ) = > {
const template = < span dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { { __html : '" is allowed here' } } > < / span >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>" is allowed here</span>' )
} )
it ( 'Should get an error if both dangerouslySetInnerHTML and children are specified' , ( ) = > {
expect ( ( ) = > (
< span dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { { __html : '" is allowed here' } } > Hello < / span >
) ) . toThrow ( )
} )
} )
// https://en.reactjs.org/docs/jsx-in-depth.html#booleans-null-and-undefined-are-ignored
describe ( 'Booleans, Null, and Undefined Are Ignored' , ( ) = > {
it . each ( [ true , false , undefined , null ] ) ( '%s' , ( item ) = > {
expect ( ( < span > { item } < / span > ) . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span></span>' )
} )
it ( 'falsy value' , ( ) = > {
const template = < span > { 0 } < / span >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>0</span>' )
} )
} )
// https://en.reactjs.org/docs/jsx-in-depth.html#props-default-to-true
describe ( 'Props Default to “True”' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'default prop value' , ( ) = > {
const template = < span data - hello > Hello < / span >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span data-hello="true">Hello</span>' )
} )
} )
// https://en.reactjs.org/docs/jsx-in-depth.html#functions-as-children
describe ( 'Functions as Children' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'Function' , ( ) = > {
function Repeat ( props : any ) {
const items = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < props . numTimes ; i ++ ) {
items . push ( ( props . children as Function ) ( i ) )
return < div > { items } < / div >
function ListOfTenThings() {
return (
< Repeat numTimes = { 10 } >
{ ( index : string ) = > < div key = { index } > This is item { index } in the list < / div > }
< / Repeat >
const template = < ListOfTenThings / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe (
'<div><div key="0">This is item 0 in the list</div><div key="1">This is item 1 in the list</div><div key="2">This is item 2 in the list</div><div key="3">This is item 3 in the list</div><div key="4">This is item 4 in the list</div><div key="5">This is item 5 in the list</div><div key="6">This is item 6 in the list</div><div key="7">This is item 7 in the list</div><div key="8">This is item 8 in the list</div><div key="9">This is item 9 in the list</div></div>'
} )
} )
} )
describe ( 'memo' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'memoized' , ( ) = > {
let counter = 0
const Header = memo ( ( ) = > < title > Test Site { counter } < / title > )
const Body = ( ) = > < span > { counter } < / span >
let template = (
< html >
< head >
< Header / >
< / head >
< body >
< Body / >
< / body >
< / html >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe (
'<html><head><title>Test Site 0</title></head><body><span>0</span></body></html>'
counter ++
template = (
< html >
< head >
< Header / >
< / head >
< body >
< Body / >
< / body >
< / html >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe (
'<html><head><title>Test Site 0</title></head><body><span>1</span></body></html>'
} )
it ( 'props are updated' , ( ) = > {
const Body = memo ( ( { counter } : { counter : number } ) = > < span > { counter } < / span > )
let template = < Body counter = { 0 } / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>0</span>' )
template = < Body counter = { 1 } / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>1</span>' )
} )
it ( 'custom propsAreEqual' , ( ) = > {
const Body = memo (
( { counter } : { counter : number ; refresh? : boolean } ) = > < span > { counter } < / span > ,
( _ , nextProps ) = > ( typeof nextProps . refresh == 'undefined' ? true : ! nextProps . refresh )
let template = < Body counter = { 0 } / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>0</span>' )
template = < Body counter = { 1 } / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>0</span>' )
template = < Body counter = { 2 } refresh = { true } / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<span>2</span>' )
} )
} )
describe ( 'Fragment' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'Should render children' , ( ) = > {
const template = (
< >
< p > 1 < / p >
< p > 2 < / p >
< / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '<p>1</p><p>2</p>' )
} )
it ( 'Should render nothing for empty Fragment' , ( ) = > {
const template = < > < / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '' )
} )
it ( 'Should render nothing for undefined' , ( ) = > {
const template = < > { undefined } < / >
expect ( template . toString ( ) ) . toBe ( '' )
} )
} )