- AWS Lambda Adapter - `LambdaFunctionUrlRequestContext` is obsolete. Use `ApiGatewayRequestContextV2` instead.
- Next.js Adapter - `hono/nextjs` is obsolete. Use `hono/vercel` instead.
- Context - `c.jsonT()` is obsolete. Use `c.json()` instead.
- Context - `c.stream()` and `c.streamText()` are obsolete. Use `stream()` and `streamText()` in `hono/streaming` instead.
- Context - `c.env()` is obsolete. Use `getRuntimeKey()` in `hono/adapter` instead.
- Hono - `app.showRoutes()` is obsolete. Use `showRoutes()` in `hono/dev` instead.
- Hono - `app.routerName` is obsolete. Use `getRouterName()` in `hono/dev` instead.
- Hono - `app.head()` is no longer used. `app.get()` implicitly handles the HEAD method.
- Hono - `app.handleEvent()` is obsolete. Use `app.fetch()` instead.
- HonoRequest - `req.cookie()` is obsolete. Use `getCookie()` in `hono/cookie` instead.
- HonoRequest - `headers()`, `body()`, `bodyUsed()`, `integrity()`, `keepalive()`, `referrer()`, and `signal()` are obsolete. Use the methods in `req.raw` such as `req.raw.headers()`.
### `serveStatic` in Cloudflare Workers Adapter requires `manifest`
If you use the Cloudflare Workers adapter's `serve-static`, you should specify the `manifest` option.
At the next major version, Validator Middleware will be changed with "breaking changes". Therefore, the current Validator Middleware will be deprecated; please use 3rd-party Validator libraries such as [Zod](https://zod.dev) or [TypeBox](https://github.com/sinclairzx81/typebox).
### `c.req.parseBody` does not parse JSON, text, and ArrayBuffer
**DO NOT** use `c.req.parseBody` for parsing **JSON**, **text**, or **ArrayBuffer**.
`c.req.parseBody` now only parses FormData with content type `multipart/form` or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. If you want to parse JSON, text, or ArrayBuffer, use `c.req.json()`, `c.req.text()`, or `c.req.arrayBuffer()`.
// `multipart/form` or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
const data = await c.req.parseBody()
const jsonData = await c.req.json() // for JSON body
const text = await c.req.text() // for text body
const arrayBuffer = await c.req.arrayBuffer() // for ArrayBuffer
### The arguments of Generics for `new Hono` have been changed
Now, the constructor of "Hono" receives `Variables` and `Bindings`.
"Bindings" is for types of environment variables for Cloudflare Workers. "Variables" is for types of `c.set`/`c.get`
type Bindings = {
KV: KVNamespace
Storage: R2Bucket
type WebClient = {
user: string
pass: string
type Variables = {
client: WebClient
const app = new Hono<{ Variables: Variables; Bindings: Bindings }>()
app.get('/foo', (c) => {
const client = c.get('client') // client is WebClient