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How to install Django
This document will get you up and running with Django.
Install Python
Being a Python Web framework, Django requires Python.
It works with any Python version from 2.6 to 2.7 (due to backwards
incompatibilities in Python 3.0, Django does not currently work with
Python 3.0; see :doc:`the Django FAQ </faq/install>` for more
information on supported Python versions and the 3.0 transition).
Get Python at http://www.python.org. If you're running Linux or Mac OS X, you
probably already have it installed.
.. admonition:: Django on Jython
If you use Jython_ (a Python implementation for the Java platform), you'll
need to follow a few additional steps. See :doc:`/howto/jython` for details.
.. _jython: http://jython.org/
.. admonition:: Python on Windows
On Windows, you might need to adjust your ``PATH`` environment variable
to include paths to Python executable and additional scripts. For example,
if your Python is installed in ``C:\Python27\``, the following paths need
to be added to ``PATH``::
Install Apache and mod_wsgi
If you just want to experiment with Django, skip ahead to the next
section; Django includes a lightweight web server you can use for
testing, so you won't need to set up Apache until you're ready to
deploy Django in production.
If you want to use Django on a production site, use `Apache`_ with
`mod_wsgi`_. mod_wsgi can operate in one of two modes: an embedded
mode and a daemon mode. In embedded mode, mod_wsgi is similar to
mod_perl -- it embeds Python within Apache and loads Python code into
memory when the server starts. Code stays in memory throughout the
life of an Apache process, which leads to significant performance
gains over other server arrangements. In daemon mode, mod_wsgi spawns
an independent daemon process that handles requests. The daemon
process can run as a different user than the Web server, possibly
leading to improved security, and the daemon process can be restarted
without restarting the entire Apache Web server, possibly making
refreshing your codebase more seamless. Consult the mod_wsgi
documentation to determine which mode is right for your setup. Make
sure you have Apache installed, with the mod_wsgi module activated.
Django will work with any version of Apache that supports mod_wsgi.
See :doc:`How to use Django with mod_wsgi </howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi>`
for information on how to configure mod_wsgi once you have it
If you can't use mod_wsgi for some reason, fear not: Django supports many other
deployment options. One is :doc:`uWSGI </howto/deployment/fastcgi>`; it works
very well with `nginx`_. Another is :doc:`FastCGI </howto/deployment/fastcgi>`,
perfect for using Django with servers other than Apache. Additionally, Django
follows the WSGI spec (:pep:`3333`), which allows it to run on a variety of
server platforms. See the `server-arrangements wiki page`_ for specific
installation instructions for each platform.
.. _Apache: http://httpd.apache.org/
.. _nginx: http://nginx.net/
.. _mod_wsgi: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/
.. _server-arrangements wiki page: https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/ServerArrangements
.. _database-installation:
Get your database running
If you plan to use Django's database API functionality, you'll need to make
sure a database server is running. Django supports many different database
servers and is officially supported with PostgreSQL_, MySQL_, Oracle_ and
SQLite_ (although SQLite doesn't require a separate server to be running).
In addition to the officially supported databases, there are backends provided
by 3rd parties that allow you to use other databases with Django:
* `Sybase SQL Anywhere`_
* `IBM DB2`_
* `Microsoft SQL Server 2005`_
* Firebird_
The Django versions and ORM features supported by these unofficial backends
vary considerably. Queries regarding the specific capabilities of these
unofficial backends, along with any support queries, should be directed to the
support channels provided by each 3rd party project.
In addition to a database backend, you'll need to make sure your Python
database bindings are installed.
* If you're using PostgreSQL, you'll need the ``postgresql_psycopg2`` package.
You might want to refer to our :ref:`PostgreSQL notes <postgresql-notes>` for
further technical details specific to this database.
If you're on Windows, check out the unofficial `compiled Windows version`_.
* If you're using MySQL, you'll need MySQLdb_, version 1.2.1p2 or higher. You
will also want to read the database-specific :ref:`notes for the MySQL
backend <mysql-notes>`.
* If you're using Oracle, you'll need a copy of cx_Oracle_, but please
read the database-specific :ref:`notes for the Oracle backend <oracle-notes>`
for important information regarding supported versions of both Oracle and
* If you're using an unofficial 3rd party backend, please consult the
documentation provided for any additional requirements.
If you plan to use Django's ``manage.py syncdb`` command to
automatically create database tables for your models, you'll need to
ensure that Django has permission to create and alter tables in the
database you're using; if you plan to manually create the tables, you
can simply grant Django ``SELECT``, ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE`` and
``DELETE`` permissions. On some databases, Django will need
``ALTER TABLE`` privileges during ``syncdb`` but won't issue
``ALTER TABLE`` statements on a table once ``syncdb`` has created it.
If you're using Django's :doc:`testing framework</topics/testing>` to test database queries,
Django will need permission to create a test database.
.. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/
.. _MySQL: http://www.mysql.com/
.. _psycopg: http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/
.. _compiled Windows version: http://stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/
.. _MySQLdb: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python
.. _SQLite: http://www.sqlite.org/
.. _pysqlite: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/PySqlite
.. _cx_Oracle: http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/
.. _Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/
.. _Sybase SQL Anywhere: http://code.google.com/p/sqlany-django/
.. _IBM DB2: http://code.google.com/p/ibm-db/
.. _Microsoft SQL Server 2005: http://code.google.com/p/django-mssql/
.. _Firebird: http://code.google.com/p/django-firebird/
.. _ODBC: http://code.google.com/p/django-pyodbc/
.. _removing-old-versions-of-django:
Remove any old versions of Django
If you are upgrading your installation of Django from a previous version,
you will need to uninstall the old Django version before installing the
new version.
If you installed Django using ``setup.py install``, uninstalling
is as simple as deleting the ``django`` directory from your Python
If you installed Django from a Python egg, remove the Django ``.egg`` file,
and remove the reference to the egg in the file named ``easy-install.pth``.
This file should also be located in your ``site-packages`` directory.
.. _finding-site-packages:
.. admonition:: Where are my ``site-packages`` stored?
The location of the ``site-packages`` directory depends on the operating
system, and the location in which Python was installed. To find out your
system's ``site-packages`` location, execute the following:
.. code-block:: bash
python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"
(Note that this should be run from a shell prompt, not a Python interactive
Some Debian-based Linux distributions have separate ``site-packages``
directories for user-installed packages, such as when installing Django
from a downloaded tarball. The command listed above will give you the
system's ``site-packages``, the user's directory can be found in
``/usr/local/lib/`` instead of ``/usr/lib/``.
.. _install-django-code:
Install the Django code
Installation instructions are slightly different depending on whether you're
installing a distribution-specific package, downloading the latest official
release, or fetching the latest development version.
It's easy, no matter which way you choose.
Installing a distribution-specific package
Check the :doc:`distribution specific notes </misc/distributions>` to see if
your platform/distribution provides official Django packages/installers.
Distribution-provided packages will typically allow for automatic installation
of dependencies and easy upgrade paths.
.. _installing-official-release:
Installing an official release with ``pip``
This is the recommended way to install Django.
1. Install pip_. The easiest is to use the `standalone pip installer`_. If your
distribution already has ``pip`` installed, you might need to update it if
it's outdated. (If it's outdated, you'll know because installation won't
2. (optional) Take a look at virtualenv_ and virtualenvwrapper_. These tools
provide isolated Python environments, which are more practical than
installing packages systemwide. They also allow installing packages
without administrator privileges. It's up to you to decide if you want to
learn and use them.
3. If you're using Linux, Mac OS X or some other flavor of Unix, enter the
command ``sudo pip install Django`` at the shell prompt. If you're using
Windows, start a command shell with administrator privileges and run
the command ``pip install Django``. This will install Django in your Python
installation's ``site-packages`` directory.
If you're using a virtualenv, you don't need ``sudo`` or administrator
privileges, and this will install Django in the virtualenv's
``site-packages`` directory.
.. _pip: http://www.pip-installer.org/
.. _virtualenv: http://www.virtualenv.org/
.. _virtualenvwrapper: http://www.doughellmann.com/docs/virtualenvwrapper/
.. _standalone pip installer: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html#using-the-installer
Installing an official release manually
1. Download the latest release from our `download page`_.
2. Untar the downloaded file (e.g. ``tar xzvf Django-X.Y.tar.gz``,
where ``X.Y`` is the version number of the latest release).
If you're using Windows, you can download the command-line tool
bsdtar_ to do this, or you can use a GUI-based tool such as 7-zip_.
3. Change into the directory created in step 2 (e.g. ``cd Django-X.Y``).
4. If you're using Linux, Mac OS X or some other flavor of Unix, enter the
command ``sudo python setup.py install`` at the shell prompt. If you're
using Windows, start a command shell with administrator privileges and
run the command ``python setup.py install``. This will install Django in
your Python installation's ``site-packages`` directory.
.. _download page: https://www.djangoproject.com/download/
.. _bsdtar: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/bsdtar.htm
.. _7-zip: http://www.7-zip.org/
.. _installing-development-version:
Installing the development version
.. admonition:: Tracking Django development
If you decide to use the latest development version of Django,
you'll want to pay close attention to `the development timeline`_,
and you'll want to keep an eye on `the list of
backwards-incompatible changes`_. This will help you stay on top
of any new features you might want to use, as well as any changes
you'll need to make to your code when updating your copy of Django.
(For stable releases, any necessary changes are documented in the
release notes.)
.. _the development timeline: https://code.djangoproject.com/timeline
.. _the list of backwards-incompatible changes: https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/BackwardsIncompatibleChanges
If you'd like to be able to update your Django code occasionally with the
latest bug fixes and improvements, follow these instructions:
1. Make sure that you have Git_ installed and that you can run its commands
from a shell. (Enter ``git help`` at a shell prompt to test this.)
2. Check out Django's main development branch (the 'trunk' or 'master') like
.. code-block:: bash
git clone git://github.com/django/django.git django-trunk
This will create a directory ``django-trunk`` in your current directory.
3. Next, make sure that the Python interpreter can load Django's code. The most
convenient way to do this is to `modify Python's search path`_. Add a ``.pth``
file containing the full path to the ``django-trunk`` directory to your
system's ``site-packages`` directory. For example, on a Unix-like system:
.. code-block:: bash
echo WORKING-DIR/django-trunk > SITE-PACKAGES-DIR/django.pth
(In the above line, change ``SITE-PACKAGES-DIR`` to match the location of
your system's ``site-packages`` directory, as explained in the
:ref:`Where are my site-packages stored? <finding-site-packages>` section
above. Change ``WORKING-DIR/django-trunk`` to match the full path to your
new ``django-trunk`` directory.)
4. On Unix-like systems, create a symbolic link to the file
``django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py`` in a directory on your system
path, such as ``/usr/local/bin``. For example:
.. code-block:: bash
ln -s WORKING-DIR/django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py /usr/local/bin/
(In the above line, change WORKING-DIR to match the full path to your new
``django-trunk`` directory.)
This simply lets you type ``django-admin.py`` from within any directory,
rather than having to qualify the command with the full path to the file.
On Windows systems, the same result can be achieved by copying the file
``django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py`` to somewhere on your system
path, for example ``C:\Python27\Scripts``.
.. warning::
Don't run ``sudo python setup.py install``, because you've already
carried out the equivalent actions in steps 3 and 4. Furthermore, this is
known to cause problems when updating to a more recent version of Django.
When you want to update your copy of the Django source code, just run the
command ``git pull`` from within the ``django-trunk`` directory. When you do
this, Git will automatically download any changes.
.. _Git: http://git-scm.com/
.. _`modify Python's search path`: http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#modifying-python-s-search-path