mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython.git synced 2024-12-01 03:01:36 +01:00
Fred Drake 9b6f1d24f9 Override several functions from the stock latex2html to support the module
index.  It works, it's ugly, and would probably have to be completely redone
if we changed latex2html versions.  See the comments.  ;-(

On the other hand, it works.  ;-)

(Wait for myformat.perl checkin as well.)
1998-01-13 04:03:02 +00:00

318 lines
10 KiB

#LaTeX2HTML Version 96.1 : dot.latex2html-init -*- perl -*-
$INFO = 1; # 0 = do not make a "About this document..." section
# Python documentation uses section numbers to support references to match
# in the printed and online versions.
$HTML_VERSION = '3.0';
$ICONSERVER = '../icons';
# This replacement adds the "BORDER=0" attribute to the generated icon
# markup. This is done for no better reason than that it looks better.
sub img_tag {
local($icon) = @_;
( ($icon =~ /(gif)/) ?
do {
$icon =~ /(up|next|previous|next_page|previous_page|change_begin|change_end|change_delete|contents|index)/;
join('','<img ',$iconsizes{$1},' align=bottom alt="',$1,
'" src="',$ICONSERVER,"/$icon",'" border=0>')
} :
# This replacement for process_command() is needed to add the case for
# "\,"; it is unfortunate we need to do it this way.
sub process_command {
local ($cmd_rx, *ref_contents) = @_;
local($ref_before, $cmd, $after);
local($cmd_sub, $cmd_msub, $cmd_trans, $mathentity);
local (@open_font_tags,@open_size_tags);
$ref_contents = &convert_iso_latin_chars($ref_contents);
for (;;) { # Do NOT use the o option
last unless ($ref_contents =~ /$cmd_rx/ );
($ref_before, $cmd, $after) = ($`, $1, "$2$'");
# $after =~ s/^[ ]+/ /o; Collapse all spaces that follow a command
if ($cmd =~ /[a-zA-Z]$/) { # Eat redundant spaces that follow a command
$after =~ s/^[ \t]+//o; }
else {
$after =~ s/^[ \t]+/ /o; }
if ( $cmd = &normalize($cmd) ) {
($cmd_sub, $cmd_msub, $cmd_trans, $mathentity) =
("do_cmd_$cmd", "do_math_cmd_$cmd",
$declarations{$cmd}, $mathentities{$cmd});
if (defined &$cmd_sub) {
# $ref_before may also be modified ...
if ($cmd =~ /$sizechange_rx/o) {
$after = &$cmd_sub($after, @open_size_tags);
} else {
$after = &$cmd_sub($after, @open_font_tags);
elsif (defined &$cmd_msub) {
# $ref_before may also be modified ...
$after = &$cmd_msub($after, @open_font_tags);
if ( !$math_mode ) {
$after = "<math>" . $after . "</math>";
elsif ($cmd_trans) { # One to one transform
$cmd_trans =~ m|</.*$|;
$after = $` . $after . $&;
push(@open_font_tags, $cmd) if ($cmd =~ /$fontchange_rx/o);
push(@open_size_tags, $cmd) if ($cmd =~ /$sizechange_rx/o);}
elsif ($mathentity) {
if ( $math_mode ) {
$after = "&$mathentity;" . $after;
} else {
$after = "<math>&$mathentity;</math>" . $after;
}; }
# Here's the hack:
elsif ($cmd == ',' && ! $AUX_FILE) {
$ref_before = $ref_before . ",";
elsif ($ignore{$cmd}) { # Ignored command
print "."}
elsif ($cmd =~ /^the(.+)$/) { # Counter
$counter = $1;
$after = &do_cmd_thecounter($after);}
else {
# Do not add if reading an auxiliary file
++$unknown_commands{$cmd} unless $AUX_FILE;
$ref_contents = join('', $ref_before, $after);
sub top_navigation_panel {
# Now add a few buttons with a space between them
"<div class=navigation>\n" .
"<br>\n" . # Line break
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
($NEXT_TITLE ? "<b> Next:</b> $NEXT_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
($UP_TITLE ? "<b>Up:</b> $UP_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# ... and the ``previous'' title
($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<b> Previous:</b> $PREVIOUS_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# Line Break, horizontal rule (3-d dividing line) and new paragraph
sub bot_navigation_panel {
# Start with a horizontal rule (3-d dividing line)
"\n<div class=navigation><hr>".
# Now add a few buttons with a space between them
"<br>\n" . # Line break
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
($NEXT_TITLE ? "<b> Next:</b> $NEXT_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
($UP_TITLE ? "<b>Up:</b> $UP_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# ... and the ``previous'' title
($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<b> Previous:</b> $PREVIOUS_TITLE\n" : undef) .
sub gen_index_id {
# this is used to ensure common index key generation and a stable sort
local($str,$extra) = @_;
sprintf("%s###%s%010d", $str, $extra, ++$global{'max_id'});
sub make_index_entry {
local($br_id,$str) = @_;
# If TITLE is not yet available (i.e the \index command is in the title of the
# current section), use $ref_before.
$TITLE = $ref_before unless $TITLE;
# Save the reference
$str = gen_index_id($str, '');
$index{$str} .= &make_half_href("$CURRENT_FILE#$br_id");
"<a name=\"$br_id\">$anchor_invisible_mark<\/a>";
sub add_idx {
print "\nDoing the index ...";
local($key, $str, @keys, $index, $level, $count, @previous, @current);
@keys = keys %index;
@keys = sort keysort @keys;
$level = 0;
foreach $key (@keys) {
@current = split(/!/, $key);
$count = 0;
while ($current[$count] eq $previous[$count]) {
while ($count > $level) {
$index .= "<dl compact>\n";
while ($count < $level) {
$index .= "</dl>\n";
foreach $term (@current[$count .. $#current-1]) {
# need to "step in" a little
$index .= "<dt>" . $term . "\n<dl compact>\n";
$str = $current[$#current];
$str =~ s/\#\#\#\d+$//o; # Remove the unique id's
$str =~ s/\#\#\#[DR]EF\d+$//o; # Remove the unique id's
if (&index_key_eq(join('',@current), join('',@previous))) {
$index .= ",\n$index{$key}" . $cross_ref_visible_mark . "</a>"; }
else {
$index .= "\n<dt>$index{$key}" . $str . "</a>"; }
@previous = @current;
while ($count < $level) {
$index .= "</dl>\n";
s/$idx_mark/<dl compact>$index<\/dl>/o;
sub index_key_eq {
local($a,$b) = @_;
$a = &clean_key($a);
$a =~ s/\#\#\#\d+$//o; # Remove the unique id's
$a =~ s/\#\#\#[dr]ef\d+$//o; # Remove the unique id's
$b = &clean_key($b);
$b =~ s/\#\#\#\d+$//o; # Remove the unique id's
$b =~ s/\#\#\#[dr]ef\d+$//o; # Remove the unique id's
$a eq $b;
# need to remove leading <...>
sub clean_key {
local ($_) = @_;
s/^<[a-z][-._a-z0-9]*>//; # Remove leading <gi>
$idx_module_mark = '<tex2html_idx_module_mark>';
$idx_module_title = 'Module Index';
$idxmodulefile = '';
sub add_module_idx {
print "\nDoing the module index ...";
local($key, @keys, $index);
$index = "<p>";
@keys = keys %Modules;
@keys = sort keysort @keys;
foreach $key (@keys) {
$index .= "$Modules{$key}$key</a><br>\n"
sub remove_general_markers {
&replace_citations if /$bbl_mark/;
&add_toc if (/$toc_mark/);
&add_idx if (/$idx_mark/);
&add_module_idx if (/$idx_module_mark/);
&replace_cross_references if /$cross_ref_mark/;
&replace_external_references if /$external_ref_mark/;
&replace_cite_references if /$cite_mark/;
if (defined &replace_user_references) {
&replace_user_references if /$user_ref_mark/;
# $idx_mark will be replaced with the real index at the end
sub do_cmd_textohtmlmoduleindex {
local($_) = @_;
$TITLE = $idx_module_title;
$idxmodulefile = $CURRENT_FILE;
join('', '<p>' , &make_section_heading($idx_module_title, "h2"),
$idx_module_mark, $_);
# The bibliography and the index should be treated as separate sections
# in their own HTML files. The \bibliography{} command acts as a sectioning command
# that has the desired effect. But when the bibliography is constructed
# manually using the thebibliography environment, or when using the
# theindex environment it is not possible to use the normal sectioning
# mechanism. This subroutine inserts a \bibliography{} or a dummy
# \textohtmlindex command just before the appropriate environments
# to force sectioning.
# XXX This *assumes* that if there are two {theindex} environments, the
# first is the module index and the second is the standard index. This
# is sufficient for the current Python documentation, but that's about
# it.
sub add_bbl_and_idx_dummy_commands {
s/([\\]begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*thebibliography)/$bbl_cnt++; $1/eg;
#print STDERR "\nthebibliography: $bbl_cnt\n";
#if ($bbl_cnt == 1) {
s/([\\]begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*thebibliography)/do { $id = ++$global{'max_id'}; "\\bibliography$O$id$C$O$id$C $1"}/geo;
local(@parts) = split(/\\begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*theindex/);
if (scalar(@parts) == 3) {
print "\n&add_bbl_and_idx_dummy_commands ==> adding module index";
s/([\\]begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*theindex)/\\textohtmlmoduleindex $1/o;
s/([\\]begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*theindex)/\\textohtmlindex $1/o;
s/[\\]printindex/\\textohtmlindex /o;
&lib_add_bbl_and_idx_dummy_commands() if defined(&lib_add_bbl_and_idx_dummy_commands);
# The bibliographic references, the appendices, the lists of figures and tables
# etc. must appear in the contents table at the same level as the outermost
# sectioning command. This subroutine finds what is the outermost level and
# sets the above to the same level;
sub set_depth_levels {
$section_headings['textohtmlmoduleindex'] = 'h1';
# Sets $outermost_level
foreach $level ("part", "chapter", "section", "subsection",
"subsubsection", "paragraph") {
last if (($outermost_level) = /\\($level)$delimiter_rx/);
$level = ($outermost_level ? $section_commands{$outermost_level} :
do {$outermost_level = 'section'; 3;});
%section_commands = ('tableofcontents', $level, 'listoffigures', $level,
'listoftables', $level, 'bibliography', $level,
'textohtmlindex', $level,
'textohtmlmoduleindex', $level,
1; # This must be the last line