mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython.git synced 2024-11-30 18:51:15 +01:00
Eli Bendersky 5e3d338a74 Issue #19655: Replace the ASDL parser carried with CPython
The new parser does not rely on Spark (which is now removed from our repo),
uses modern 3.x idioms and is significantly smaller and simpler.

It generates exactly the same AST files (.h and .c), so in practice no builds
should be affected.
2014-05-09 17:58:22 -07:00

1313 lines
42 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Generate C code from an ASDL description."""
import os, sys
import asdl
MAX_COL = 80
def get_c_type(name):
"""Return a string for the C name of the type.
This function special cases the default types provided by asdl.
if name in asdl.builtin_types:
return name
return "%s_ty" % name
def reflow_lines(s, depth):
"""Reflow the line s indented depth tabs.
Return a sequence of lines where no line extends beyond MAX_COL
when properly indented. The first line is properly indented based
exclusively on depth * TABSIZE. All following lines -- these are
the reflowed lines generated by this function -- start at the same
column as the first character beyond the opening { in the first
size = MAX_COL - depth * TABSIZE
if len(s) < size:
return [s]
lines = []
cur = s
padding = ""
while len(cur) > size:
i = cur.rfind(' ', 0, size)
# XXX this should be fixed for real
if i == -1 and 'GeneratorExp' in cur:
i = size + 3
assert i != -1, "Impossible line %d to reflow: %r" % (size, s)
lines.append(padding + cur[:i])
if len(lines) == 1:
# find new size based on brace
j = cur.find('{', 0, i)
if j >= 0:
j += 2 # account for the brace and the space after it
size -= j
padding = " " * j
j = cur.find('(', 0, i)
if j >= 0:
j += 1 # account for the paren (no space after it)
size -= j
padding = " " * j
cur = cur[i+1:]
lines.append(padding + cur)
return lines
def is_simple(sum):
"""Return True if a sum is a simple.
A sum is simple if its types have no fields, e.g.
unaryop = Invert | Not | UAdd | USub
for t in sum.types:
if t.fields:
return False
return True
class EmitVisitor(asdl.VisitorBase):
"""Visit that emits lines"""
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
self.identifiers = set()
super(EmitVisitor, self).__init__()
def emit_identifier(self, name):
name = str(name)
if name in self.identifiers:
self.emit("_Py_IDENTIFIER(%s);" % name, 0)
def emit(self, s, depth, reflow=True):
# XXX reflow long lines?
if reflow:
lines = reflow_lines(s, depth)
lines = [s]
for line in lines:
line = (" " * TABSIZE * depth) + line + "\n"
class TypeDefVisitor(EmitVisitor):
def visitModule(self, mod):
for dfn in mod.dfns:
def visitType(self, type, depth=0):
self.visit(type.value, type.name, depth)
def visitSum(self, sum, name, depth):
if is_simple(sum):
self.simple_sum(sum, name, depth)
self.sum_with_constructors(sum, name, depth)
def simple_sum(self, sum, name, depth):
enum = []
for i in range(len(sum.types)):
type = sum.types[i]
enum.append("%s=%d" % (type.name, i + 1))
enums = ", ".join(enum)
ctype = get_c_type(name)
s = "typedef enum _%s { %s } %s;" % (name, enums, ctype)
self.emit(s, depth)
self.emit("", depth)
def sum_with_constructors(self, sum, name, depth):
ctype = get_c_type(name)
s = "typedef struct _%(name)s *%(ctype)s;" % locals()
self.emit(s, depth)
self.emit("", depth)
def visitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
ctype = get_c_type(name)
s = "typedef struct _%(name)s *%(ctype)s;" % locals()
self.emit(s, depth)
self.emit("", depth)
class StructVisitor(EmitVisitor):
"""Visitor to generate typedefs for AST."""
def visitModule(self, mod):
for dfn in mod.dfns:
def visitType(self, type, depth=0):
self.visit(type.value, type.name, depth)
def visitSum(self, sum, name, depth):
if not is_simple(sum):
self.sum_with_constructors(sum, name, depth)
def sum_with_constructors(self, sum, name, depth):
def emit(s, depth=depth):
self.emit(s % sys._getframe(1).f_locals, depth)
enum = []
for i in range(len(sum.types)):
type = sum.types[i]
enum.append("%s_kind=%d" % (type.name, i + 1))
emit("enum _%(name)s_kind {" + ", ".join(enum) + "};")
emit("struct _%(name)s {")
emit("enum _%(name)s_kind kind;", depth + 1)
emit("union {", depth + 1)
for t in sum.types:
self.visit(t, depth + 2)
emit("} v;", depth + 1)
for field in sum.attributes:
# rudimentary attribute handling
type = str(field.type)
assert type in asdl.builtin_types, type
emit("%s %s;" % (type, field.name), depth + 1);
def visitConstructor(self, cons, depth):
if cons.fields:
self.emit("struct {", depth)
for f in cons.fields:
self.visit(f, depth + 1)
self.emit("} %s;" % cons.name, depth)
self.emit("", depth)
def visitField(self, field, depth):
# XXX need to lookup field.type, because it might be something
# like a builtin...
ctype = get_c_type(field.type)
name = field.name
if field.seq:
if field.type == 'cmpop':
self.emit("asdl_int_seq *%(name)s;" % locals(), depth)
self.emit("asdl_seq *%(name)s;" % locals(), depth)
self.emit("%(ctype)s %(name)s;" % locals(), depth)
def visitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
self.emit("struct _%(name)s {" % locals(), depth)
for f in product.fields:
self.visit(f, depth + 1)
for field in product.attributes:
# rudimentary attribute handling
type = str(field.type)
assert type in asdl.builtin_types, type
self.emit("%s %s;" % (type, field.name), depth + 1);
self.emit("};", depth)
self.emit("", depth)
class PrototypeVisitor(EmitVisitor):
"""Generate function prototypes for the .h file"""
def visitModule(self, mod):
for dfn in mod.dfns:
def visitType(self, type):
self.visit(type.value, type.name)
def visitSum(self, sum, name):
if is_simple(sum):
pass # XXX
for t in sum.types:
self.visit(t, name, sum.attributes)
def get_args(self, fields):
"""Return list of C argument into, one for each field.
Argument info is 3-tuple of a C type, variable name, and flag
that is true if type can be NULL.
args = []
unnamed = {}
for f in fields:
if f.name is None:
name = f.type
c = unnamed[name] = unnamed.get(name, 0) + 1
if c > 1:
name = "name%d" % (c - 1)
name = f.name
# XXX should extend get_c_type() to handle this
if f.seq:
if f.type == 'cmpop':
ctype = "asdl_int_seq *"
ctype = "asdl_seq *"
ctype = get_c_type(f.type)
args.append((ctype, name, f.opt or f.seq))
return args
def visitConstructor(self, cons, type, attrs):
args = self.get_args(cons.fields)
attrs = self.get_args(attrs)
ctype = get_c_type(type)
self.emit_function(cons.name, ctype, args, attrs)
def emit_function(self, name, ctype, args, attrs, union=True):
args = args + attrs
if args:
argstr = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (atype, aname)
for atype, aname, opt in args])
argstr += ", PyArena *arena"
argstr = "PyArena *arena"
margs = "a0"
for i in range(1, len(args)+1):
margs += ", a%d" % i
self.emit("#define %s(%s) _Py_%s(%s)" % (name, margs, name, margs), 0,
self.emit("%s _Py_%s(%s);" % (ctype, name, argstr), False)
def visitProduct(self, prod, name):
self.emit_function(name, get_c_type(name),
self.get_args(prod.fields), [], union=False)
class FunctionVisitor(PrototypeVisitor):
"""Visitor to generate constructor functions for AST."""
def emit_function(self, name, ctype, args, attrs, union=True):
def emit(s, depth=0, reflow=True):
self.emit(s, depth, reflow)
argstr = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (atype, aname)
for atype, aname, opt in args + attrs])
if argstr:
argstr += ", PyArena *arena"
argstr = "PyArena *arena"
self.emit("%s" % ctype, 0)
emit("%s(%s)" % (name, argstr))
emit("%s p;" % ctype, 1)
for argtype, argname, opt in args:
if not opt and argtype != "int":
emit("if (!%s) {" % argname, 1)
emit("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,", 2)
msg = "field %s is required for %s" % (argname, name)
emit(' "%s");' % msg,
2, reflow=False)
emit('return NULL;', 2)
emit('}', 1)
emit("p = (%s)PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));" % ctype, 1);
emit("if (!p)", 1)
emit("return NULL;", 2)
if union:
self.emit_body_union(name, args, attrs)
self.emit_body_struct(name, args, attrs)
emit("return p;", 1)
def emit_body_union(self, name, args, attrs):
def emit(s, depth=0, reflow=True):
self.emit(s, depth, reflow)
emit("p->kind = %s_kind;" % name, 1)
for argtype, argname, opt in args:
emit("p->v.%s.%s = %s;" % (name, argname, argname), 1)
for argtype, argname, opt in attrs:
emit("p->%s = %s;" % (argname, argname), 1)
def emit_body_struct(self, name, args, attrs):
def emit(s, depth=0, reflow=True):
self.emit(s, depth, reflow)
for argtype, argname, opt in args:
emit("p->%s = %s;" % (argname, argname), 1)
assert not attrs
class PickleVisitor(EmitVisitor):
def visitModule(self, mod):
for dfn in mod.dfns:
def visitType(self, type):
self.visit(type.value, type.name)
def visitSum(self, sum, name):
def visitProduct(self, sum, name):
def visitConstructor(self, cons, name):
def visitField(self, sum):
class Obj2ModPrototypeVisitor(PickleVisitor):
def visitProduct(self, prod, name):
code = "static int obj2ast_%s(PyObject* obj, %s* out, PyArena* arena);"
self.emit(code % (name, get_c_type(name)), 0)
visitSum = visitProduct
class Obj2ModVisitor(PickleVisitor):
def funcHeader(self, name):
ctype = get_c_type(name)
self.emit("int", 0)
self.emit("obj2ast_%s(PyObject* obj, %s* out, PyArena* arena)" % (name, ctype), 0)
self.emit("{", 0)
self.emit("int isinstance;", 1)
self.emit("", 0)
def sumTrailer(self, name, add_label=False):
self.emit("", 0)
# there's really nothing more we can do if this fails ...
error = "expected some sort of %s, but got %%R" % name
format = "PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"%s\", obj);"
self.emit(format % error, 1, reflow=False)
if add_label:
self.emit("failed:", 1)
self.emit("Py_XDECREF(tmp);", 1)
self.emit("return 1;", 1)
self.emit("}", 0)
self.emit("", 0)
def simpleSum(self, sum, name):
for t in sum.types:
line = ("isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, "
"(PyObject *)%s_type);")
self.emit(line % (t.name,), 1)
self.emit("if (isinstance == -1) {", 1)
self.emit("return 1;", 2)
self.emit("}", 1)
self.emit("if (isinstance) {", 1)
self.emit("*out = %s;" % t.name, 2)
self.emit("return 0;", 2)
self.emit("}", 1)
def buildArgs(self, fields):
return ", ".join(fields + ["arena"])
def complexSum(self, sum, name):
self.emit("PyObject *tmp = NULL;", 1)
for a in sum.attributes:
self.visitAttributeDeclaration(a, name, sum=sum)
self.emit("", 0)
# XXX: should we only do this for 'expr'?
self.emit("if (obj == Py_None) {", 1)
self.emit("*out = NULL;", 2)
self.emit("return 0;", 2)
self.emit("}", 1)
for a in sum.attributes:
self.visitField(a, name, sum=sum, depth=1)
for t in sum.types:
line = "isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(obj, (PyObject*)%s_type);"
self.emit(line % (t.name,), 1)
self.emit("if (isinstance == -1) {", 1)
self.emit("return 1;", 2)
self.emit("}", 1)
self.emit("if (isinstance) {", 1)
for f in t.fields:
self.visitFieldDeclaration(f, t.name, sum=sum, depth=2)
self.emit("", 0)
for f in t.fields:
self.visitField(f, t.name, sum=sum, depth=2)
args = [f.name for f in t.fields] + [a.name for a in sum.attributes]
self.emit("*out = %s(%s);" % (t.name, self.buildArgs(args)), 2)
self.emit("if (*out == NULL) goto failed;", 2)
self.emit("return 0;", 2)
self.emit("}", 1)
self.sumTrailer(name, True)
def visitAttributeDeclaration(self, a, name, sum=sum):
ctype = get_c_type(a.type)
self.emit("%s %s;" % (ctype, a.name), 1)
def visitSum(self, sum, name):
if is_simple(sum):
self.simpleSum(sum, name)
self.complexSum(sum, name)
def visitProduct(self, prod, name):
ctype = get_c_type(name)
self.emit("int", 0)
self.emit("obj2ast_%s(PyObject* obj, %s* out, PyArena* arena)" % (name, ctype), 0)
self.emit("{", 0)
self.emit("PyObject* tmp = NULL;", 1)
for f in prod.fields:
self.visitFieldDeclaration(f, name, prod=prod, depth=1)
self.emit("", 0)
for f in prod.fields:
self.visitField(f, name, prod=prod, depth=1)
args = [f.name for f in prod.fields]
self.emit("*out = %s(%s);" % (name, self.buildArgs(args)), 1)
self.emit("return 0;", 1)
self.emit("failed:", 0)
self.emit("Py_XDECREF(tmp);", 1)
self.emit("return 1;", 1)
self.emit("}", 0)
self.emit("", 0)
def visitFieldDeclaration(self, field, name, sum=None, prod=None, depth=0):
ctype = get_c_type(field.type)
if field.seq:
if self.isSimpleType(field):
self.emit("asdl_int_seq* %s;" % field.name, depth)
self.emit("asdl_seq* %s;" % field.name, depth)
ctype = get_c_type(field.type)
self.emit("%s %s;" % (ctype, field.name), depth)
def isSimpleSum(self, field):
# XXX can the members of this list be determined automatically?
return field.type in ('expr_context', 'boolop', 'operator',
'unaryop', 'cmpop')
def isNumeric(self, field):
return get_c_type(field.type) in ("int", "bool")
def isSimpleType(self, field):
return self.isSimpleSum(field) or self.isNumeric(field)
def visitField(self, field, name, sum=None, prod=None, depth=0):
ctype = get_c_type(field.type)
if field.opt:
check = "exists_not_none(obj, &PyId_%s)" % (field.name,)
check = "_PyObject_HasAttrId(obj, &PyId_%s)" % (field.name,)
self.emit("if (%s) {" % (check,), depth, reflow=False)
self.emit("int res;", depth+1)
if field.seq:
self.emit("Py_ssize_t len;", depth+1)
self.emit("Py_ssize_t i;", depth+1)
self.emit("tmp = _PyObject_GetAttrId(obj, &PyId_%s);" % field.name, depth+1)
self.emit("if (tmp == NULL) goto failed;", depth+1)
if field.seq:
self.emit("if (!PyList_Check(tmp)) {", depth+1)
self.emit("PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, \"%s field \\\"%s\\\" must "
"be a list, not a %%.200s\", tmp->ob_type->tp_name);" %
(name, field.name),
depth+2, reflow=False)
self.emit("goto failed;", depth+2)
self.emit("}", depth+1)
self.emit("len = PyList_GET_SIZE(tmp);", depth+1)
if self.isSimpleType(field):
self.emit("%s = _Py_asdl_int_seq_new(len, arena);" % field.name, depth+1)
self.emit("%s = _Py_asdl_seq_new(len, arena);" % field.name, depth+1)
self.emit("if (%s == NULL) goto failed;" % field.name, depth+1)
self.emit("for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {", depth+1)
self.emit("%s value;" % ctype, depth+2)
self.emit("res = obj2ast_%s(PyList_GET_ITEM(tmp, i), &value, arena);" %
field.type, depth+2, reflow=False)
self.emit("if (res != 0) goto failed;", depth+2)
self.emit("asdl_seq_SET(%s, i, value);" % field.name, depth+2)
self.emit("}", depth+1)
self.emit("res = obj2ast_%s(tmp, &%s, arena);" %
(field.type, field.name), depth+1)
self.emit("if (res != 0) goto failed;", depth+1)
self.emit("Py_CLEAR(tmp);", depth+1)
self.emit("} else {", depth)
if not field.opt:
message = "required field \\\"%s\\\" missing from %s" % (field.name, name)
format = "PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, \"%s\");"
self.emit(format % message, depth+1, reflow=False)
self.emit("return 1;", depth+1)
if self.isNumeric(field):
self.emit("%s = 0;" % field.name, depth+1)
elif not self.isSimpleType(field):
self.emit("%s = NULL;" % field.name, depth+1)
raise TypeError("could not determine the default value for %s" % field.name)
self.emit("}", depth)
class MarshalPrototypeVisitor(PickleVisitor):
def prototype(self, sum, name):
ctype = get_c_type(name)
self.emit("static int marshal_write_%s(PyObject **, int *, %s);"
% (name, ctype), 0)
visitProduct = visitSum = prototype
class PyTypesDeclareVisitor(PickleVisitor):
def visitProduct(self, prod, name):
self.emit("static PyTypeObject *%s_type;" % name, 0)
self.emit("static PyObject* ast2obj_%s(void*);" % name, 0)
if prod.attributes:
for a in prod.attributes:
self.emit("static char *%s_attributes[] = {" % name, 0)
for a in prod.attributes:
self.emit('"%s",' % a.name, 1)
self.emit("};", 0)
if prod.fields:
for f in prod.fields:
self.emit("static char *%s_fields[]={" % name,0)
for f in prod.fields:
self.emit('"%s",' % f.name, 1)
self.emit("};", 0)
def visitSum(self, sum, name):
self.emit("static PyTypeObject *%s_type;" % name, 0)
if sum.attributes:
for a in sum.attributes:
self.emit("static char *%s_attributes[] = {" % name, 0)
for a in sum.attributes:
self.emit('"%s",' % a.name, 1)
self.emit("};", 0)
ptype = "void*"
if is_simple(sum):
ptype = get_c_type(name)
tnames = []
for t in sum.types:
tnames = ", *".join(tnames)
self.emit("static PyObject *%s;" % tnames, 0)
self.emit("static PyObject* ast2obj_%s(%s);" % (name, ptype), 0)
for t in sum.types:
self.visitConstructor(t, name)
def visitConstructor(self, cons, name):
self.emit("static PyTypeObject *%s_type;" % cons.name, 0)
if cons.fields:
for t in cons.fields:
self.emit("static char *%s_fields[]={" % cons.name, 0)
for t in cons.fields:
self.emit('"%s",' % t.name, 1)
class PyTypesVisitor(PickleVisitor):
def visitModule(self, mod):
typedef struct {
PyObject *dict;
} AST_object;
static void
ast_dealloc(AST_object *self)
static int
ast_traverse(AST_object *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
return 0;
static void
ast_clear(AST_object *self)
static int
ast_type_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
Py_ssize_t i, numfields = 0;
int res = -1;
PyObject *key, *value, *fields;
fields = _PyObject_GetAttrId((PyObject*)Py_TYPE(self), &PyId__fields);
if (!fields)
if (fields) {
numfields = PySequence_Size(fields);
if (numfields == -1)
goto cleanup;
res = 0; /* if no error occurs, this stays 0 to the end */
if (PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) > 0) {
if (numfields != PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args)) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%.400s constructor takes %s"
"%zd positional argument%s",
numfields == 0 ? "" : "either 0 or ",
numfields, numfields == 1 ? "" : "s");
res = -1;
goto cleanup;
for (i = 0; i < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args); i++) {
/* cannot be reached when fields is NULL */
PyObject *name = PySequence_GetItem(fields, i);
if (!name) {
res = -1;
goto cleanup;
res = PyObject_SetAttr(self, name, PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, i));
if (res < 0)
goto cleanup;
if (kw) {
i = 0; /* needed by PyDict_Next */
while (PyDict_Next(kw, &i, &key, &value)) {
res = PyObject_SetAttr(self, key, value);
if (res < 0)
goto cleanup;
return res;
/* Pickling support */
static PyObject *
ast_type_reduce(PyObject *self, PyObject *unused)
PyObject *res;
PyObject *dict = _PyObject_GetAttrId(self, &PyId___dict__);
if (dict == NULL) {
if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
return NULL;
if (dict) {
res = Py_BuildValue("O()O", Py_TYPE(self), dict);
return res;
return Py_BuildValue("O()", Py_TYPE(self));
static PyMethodDef ast_type_methods[] = {
{"__reduce__", ast_type_reduce, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
static PyGetSetDef ast_type_getsets[] = {
{"__dict__", PyObject_GenericGetDict, PyObject_GenericSetDict},
static PyTypeObject AST_type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
(destructor)ast_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_print */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_reserved */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /* tp_getattro */
PyObject_GenericSetAttr, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
0, /* tp_doc */
(traverseproc)ast_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
(inquiry)ast_clear, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
0, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
ast_type_methods, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
ast_type_getsets, /* tp_getset */
0, /* tp_base */
0, /* tp_dict */
0, /* tp_descr_get */
0, /* tp_descr_set */
offsetof(AST_object, dict),/* tp_dictoffset */
(initproc)ast_type_init, /* tp_init */
PyType_GenericAlloc, /* tp_alloc */
PyType_GenericNew, /* tp_new */
PyObject_GC_Del, /* tp_free */
static PyTypeObject* make_type(char *type, PyTypeObject* base, char**fields, int num_fields)
PyObject *fnames, *result;
int i;
fnames = PyTuple_New(num_fields);
if (!fnames) return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
PyObject *field = PyUnicode_FromString(fields[i]);
if (!field) {
return NULL;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(fnames, i, field);
result = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject*)&PyType_Type, "s(O){sOss}",
type, base, "_fields", fnames, "__module__", "_ast");
return (PyTypeObject*)result;
static int add_attributes(PyTypeObject* type, char**attrs, int num_fields)
int i, result;
PyObject *s, *l = PyTuple_New(num_fields);
if (!l)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
s = PyUnicode_FromString(attrs[i]);
if (!s) {
return 0;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(l, i, s);
result = _PyObject_SetAttrId((PyObject*)type, &PyId__attributes, l) >= 0;
return result;
/* Conversion AST -> Python */
static PyObject* ast2obj_list(asdl_seq *seq, PyObject* (*func)(void*))
Py_ssize_t i, n = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);
PyObject *result = PyList_New(n);
PyObject *value;
if (!result)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
value = func(asdl_seq_GET(seq, i));
if (!value) {
return NULL;
PyList_SET_ITEM(result, i, value);
return result;
static PyObject* ast2obj_object(void *o)
if (!o)
o = Py_None;
return (PyObject*)o;
#define ast2obj_singleton ast2obj_object
#define ast2obj_identifier ast2obj_object
#define ast2obj_string ast2obj_object
#define ast2obj_bytes ast2obj_object
static PyObject* ast2obj_int(long b)
return PyLong_FromLong(b);
/* Conversion Python -> AST */
static int obj2ast_singleton(PyObject *obj, PyObject** out, PyArena* arena)
if (obj != Py_None && obj != Py_True && obj != Py_False) {
"AST singleton must be True, False, or None");
return 1;
*out = obj;
return 0;
static int obj2ast_object(PyObject* obj, PyObject** out, PyArena* arena)
if (obj == Py_None)
obj = NULL;
if (obj) {
if (PyArena_AddPyObject(arena, obj) < 0) {
*out = NULL;
return -1;
*out = obj;
return 0;
static int obj2ast_identifier(PyObject* obj, PyObject** out, PyArena* arena)
if (!PyUnicode_CheckExact(obj) && obj != Py_None) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "AST identifier must be of type str");
return 1;
return obj2ast_object(obj, out, arena);
static int obj2ast_string(PyObject* obj, PyObject** out, PyArena* arena)
if (!PyUnicode_CheckExact(obj) && !PyBytes_CheckExact(obj)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "AST string must be of type str");
return 1;
return obj2ast_object(obj, out, arena);
static int obj2ast_bytes(PyObject* obj, PyObject** out, PyArena* arena)
if (!PyBytes_CheckExact(obj)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "AST bytes must be of type bytes");
return 1;
return obj2ast_object(obj, out, arena);
static int obj2ast_int(PyObject* obj, int* out, PyArena* arena)
int i;
if (!PyLong_Check(obj)) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid integer value: %R", obj);
return 1;
i = (int)PyLong_AsLong(obj);
if (i == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
return 1;
*out = i;
return 0;
static int add_ast_fields(void)
PyObject *empty_tuple, *d;
if (PyType_Ready(&AST_type) < 0)
return -1;
d = AST_type.tp_dict;
empty_tuple = PyTuple_New(0);
if (!empty_tuple ||
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "_fields", empty_tuple) < 0 ||
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "_attributes", empty_tuple) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
static int exists_not_none(PyObject *obj, _Py_Identifier *id)
int isnone;
PyObject *attr = _PyObject_GetAttrId(obj, id);
if (!attr) {
return 0;
isnone = attr == Py_None;
return !isnone;
""", 0, reflow=False)
self.emit("static int init_types(void)",0)
self.emit("{", 0)
self.emit("static int initialized;", 1)
self.emit("if (initialized) return 1;", 1)
self.emit("if (add_ast_fields() < 0) return 0;", 1)
for dfn in mod.dfns:
self.emit("initialized = 1;", 1)
self.emit("return 1;", 1);
self.emit("}", 0)
def visitProduct(self, prod, name):
if prod.fields:
fields = name+"_fields"
fields = "NULL"
self.emit('%s_type = make_type("%s", &AST_type, %s, %d);' %
(name, name, fields, len(prod.fields)), 1)
self.emit("if (!%s_type) return 0;" % name, 1)
if prod.attributes:
self.emit("if (!add_attributes(%s_type, %s_attributes, %d)) return 0;" %
(name, name, len(prod.attributes)), 1)
self.emit("if (!add_attributes(%s_type, NULL, 0)) return 0;" % name, 1)
def visitSum(self, sum, name):
self.emit('%s_type = make_type("%s", &AST_type, NULL, 0);' %
(name, name), 1)
self.emit("if (!%s_type) return 0;" % name, 1)
if sum.attributes:
self.emit("if (!add_attributes(%s_type, %s_attributes, %d)) return 0;" %
(name, name, len(sum.attributes)), 1)
self.emit("if (!add_attributes(%s_type, NULL, 0)) return 0;" % name, 1)
simple = is_simple(sum)
for t in sum.types:
self.visitConstructor(t, name, simple)
def visitConstructor(self, cons, name, simple):
if cons.fields:
fields = cons.name+"_fields"
fields = "NULL"
self.emit('%s_type = make_type("%s", %s_type, %s, %d);' %
(cons.name, cons.name, name, fields, len(cons.fields)), 1)
self.emit("if (!%s_type) return 0;" % cons.name, 1)
if simple:
self.emit("%s_singleton = PyType_GenericNew(%s_type, NULL, NULL);" %
(cons.name, cons.name), 1)
self.emit("if (!%s_singleton) return 0;" % cons.name, 1)
class ASTModuleVisitor(PickleVisitor):
def visitModule(self, mod):
self.emit("static struct PyModuleDef _astmodule = {", 0)
self.emit(' PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "_ast"', 0)
self.emit("};", 0)
self.emit("PyMODINIT_FUNC", 0)
self.emit("PyInit__ast(void)", 0)
self.emit("{", 0)
self.emit("PyObject *m, *d;", 1)
self.emit("if (!init_types()) return NULL;", 1)
self.emit('m = PyModule_Create(&_astmodule);', 1)
self.emit("if (!m) return NULL;", 1)
self.emit("d = PyModule_GetDict(m);", 1)
self.emit('if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "AST", (PyObject*)&AST_type) < 0) return NULL;', 1)
self.emit('if (PyModule_AddIntMacro(m, PyCF_ONLY_AST) < 0)', 1)
self.emit("return NULL;", 2)
for dfn in mod.dfns:
self.emit("return m;", 1)
self.emit("}", 0)
def visitProduct(self, prod, name):
def visitSum(self, sum, name):
for t in sum.types:
self.visitConstructor(t, name)
def visitConstructor(self, cons, name):
def addObj(self, name):
self.emit('if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "%s", (PyObject*)%s_type) < 0) return NULL;' % (name, name), 1)
_SPECIALIZED_SEQUENCES = ('stmt', 'expr')
def find_sequence(fields, doing_specialization):
"""Return True if any field uses a sequence."""
for f in fields:
if f.seq:
if not doing_specialization:
return True
if str(f.type) not in _SPECIALIZED_SEQUENCES:
return True
return False
def has_sequence(types, doing_specialization):
for t in types:
if find_sequence(t.fields, doing_specialization):
return True
return False
class StaticVisitor(PickleVisitor):
CODE = '''Very simple, always emit this static code. Override CODE'''
def visit(self, object):
self.emit(self.CODE, 0, reflow=False)
class ObjVisitor(PickleVisitor):
def func_begin(self, name):
ctype = get_c_type(name)
self.emit("PyObject*", 0)
self.emit("ast2obj_%s(void* _o)" % (name), 0)
self.emit("{", 0)
self.emit("%s o = (%s)_o;" % (ctype, ctype), 1)
self.emit("PyObject *result = NULL, *value = NULL;", 1)
self.emit('if (!o) {', 1)
self.emit("Py_INCREF(Py_None);", 2)
self.emit('return Py_None;', 2)
self.emit("}", 1)
self.emit('', 0)
def func_end(self):
self.emit("return result;", 1)
self.emit("failed:", 0)
self.emit("Py_XDECREF(value);", 1)
self.emit("Py_XDECREF(result);", 1)
self.emit("return NULL;", 1)
self.emit("}", 0)
self.emit("", 0)
def visitSum(self, sum, name):
if is_simple(sum):
self.simpleSum(sum, name)
self.emit("switch (o->kind) {", 1)
for i in range(len(sum.types)):
t = sum.types[i]
self.visitConstructor(t, i + 1, name)
self.emit("}", 1)
for a in sum.attributes:
self.emit("value = ast2obj_%s(o->%s);" % (a.type, a.name), 1)
self.emit("if (!value) goto failed;", 1)
self.emit('if (_PyObject_SetAttrId(result, &PyId_%s, value) < 0)' % a.name, 1)
self.emit('goto failed;', 2)
self.emit('Py_DECREF(value);', 1)
def simpleSum(self, sum, name):
self.emit("PyObject* ast2obj_%s(%s_ty o)" % (name, name), 0)
self.emit("{", 0)
self.emit("switch(o) {", 1)
for t in sum.types:
self.emit("case %s:" % t.name, 2)
self.emit("Py_INCREF(%s_singleton);" % t.name, 3)
self.emit("return %s_singleton;" % t.name, 3)
self.emit("default:", 2)
self.emit('/* should never happen, but just in case ... */', 3)
code = "PyErr_Format(PyExc_SystemError, \"unknown %s found\");" % name
self.emit(code, 3, reflow=False)
self.emit("return NULL;", 3)
self.emit("}", 1)
self.emit("}", 0)
def visitProduct(self, prod, name):
self.emit("result = PyType_GenericNew(%s_type, NULL, NULL);" % name, 1);
self.emit("if (!result) return NULL;", 1)
for field in prod.fields:
self.visitField(field, name, 1, True)
for a in prod.attributes:
self.emit("value = ast2obj_%s(o->%s);" % (a.type, a.name), 1)
self.emit("if (!value) goto failed;", 1)
self.emit('if (_PyObject_SetAttrId(result, &PyId_%s, value) < 0)' % a.name, 1)
self.emit('goto failed;', 2)
self.emit('Py_DECREF(value);', 1)
def visitConstructor(self, cons, enum, name):
self.emit("case %s_kind:" % cons.name, 1)
self.emit("result = PyType_GenericNew(%s_type, NULL, NULL);" % cons.name, 2);
self.emit("if (!result) goto failed;", 2)
for f in cons.fields:
self.visitField(f, cons.name, 2, False)
self.emit("break;", 2)
def visitField(self, field, name, depth, product):
def emit(s, d):
self.emit(s, depth + d)
if product:
value = "o->%s" % field.name
value = "o->v.%s.%s" % (name, field.name)
self.set(field, value, depth)
emit("if (!value) goto failed;", 0)
emit('if (_PyObject_SetAttrId(result, &PyId_%s, value) == -1)' % field.name, 0)
emit("goto failed;", 1)
emit("Py_DECREF(value);", 0)
def emitSeq(self, field, value, depth, emit):
emit("seq = %s;" % value, 0)
emit("n = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);", 0)
emit("value = PyList_New(n);", 0)
emit("if (!value) goto failed;", 0)
emit("for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {", 0)
self.set("value", field, "asdl_seq_GET(seq, i)", depth + 1)
emit("if (!value1) goto failed;", 1)
emit("PyList_SET_ITEM(value, i, value1);", 1)
emit("value1 = NULL;", 1)
emit("}", 0)
def set(self, field, value, depth):
if field.seq:
# XXX should really check for is_simple, but that requires a symbol table
if field.type == "cmpop":
# While the sequence elements are stored as void*,
# ast2obj_cmpop expects an enum
self.emit("{", depth)
self.emit("Py_ssize_t i, n = asdl_seq_LEN(%s);" % value, depth+1)
self.emit("value = PyList_New(n);", depth+1)
self.emit("if (!value) goto failed;", depth+1)
self.emit("for(i = 0; i < n; i++)", depth+1)
# This cannot fail, so no need for error handling
self.emit("PyList_SET_ITEM(value, i, ast2obj_cmpop((cmpop_ty)asdl_seq_GET(%s, i)));" % value,
depth+2, reflow=False)
self.emit("}", depth)
self.emit("value = ast2obj_list(%s, ast2obj_%s);" % (value, field.type), depth)
ctype = get_c_type(field.type)
self.emit("value = ast2obj_%s(%s);" % (field.type, value), depth, reflow=False)
class PartingShots(StaticVisitor):
CODE = """
PyObject* PyAST_mod2obj(mod_ty t)
if (!init_types())
return NULL;
return ast2obj_mod(t);
/* mode is 0 for "exec", 1 for "eval" and 2 for "single" input */
mod_ty PyAST_obj2mod(PyObject* ast, PyArena* arena, int mode)
mod_ty res;
PyObject *req_type[3];
char *req_name[] = {"Module", "Expression", "Interactive"};
int isinstance;
req_type[0] = (PyObject*)Module_type;
req_type[1] = (PyObject*)Expression_type;
req_type[2] = (PyObject*)Interactive_type;
assert(0 <= mode && mode <= 2);
if (!init_types())
return NULL;
isinstance = PyObject_IsInstance(ast, req_type[mode]);
if (isinstance == -1)
return NULL;
if (!isinstance) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "expected %s node, got %.400s",
req_name[mode], Py_TYPE(ast)->tp_name);
return NULL;
if (obj2ast_mod(ast, &res, arena) != 0)
return NULL;
return res;
int PyAST_Check(PyObject* obj)
if (!init_types())
return -1;
return PyObject_IsInstance(obj, (PyObject*)&AST_type);
class ChainOfVisitors:
def __init__(self, *visitors):
self.visitors = visitors
def visit(self, object):
for v in self.visitors:
v.emit("", 0)
common_msg = "/* File automatically generated by %s. */\n\n"
def main(srcfile, dump_module=False):
argv0 = sys.argv[0]
components = argv0.split(os.sep)
argv0 = os.sep.join(components[-2:])
auto_gen_msg = common_msg % argv0
mod = asdl.parse(srcfile)
if dump_module:
print('Parsed Module:')
if not asdl.check(mod):
p = "%s/%s-ast.h" % (INC_DIR, mod.name)
f = open(p, "w")
f.write('#include "asdl.h"\n\n')
c = ChainOfVisitors(TypeDefVisitor(f),
f.write("PyObject* PyAST_mod2obj(mod_ty t);\n")
f.write("mod_ty PyAST_obj2mod(PyObject* ast, PyArena* arena, int mode);\n")
f.write("int PyAST_Check(PyObject* obj);\n")
p = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, str(mod.name) + "-ast.c")
f = open(p, "w")
f.write('#include <stddef.h>\n')
f.write('#include "Python.h"\n')
f.write('#include "%s-ast.h"\n' % mod.name)
f.write("static PyTypeObject AST_type;\n")
v = ChainOfVisitors(
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import getopt
INC_DIR = ''
SRC_DIR = ''
dump_module = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dh:c:")
for o, v in opts:
if o == '-h':
if o == '-c':
if o == '-d':
dump_module = True
print('Must specify exactly one output file')
elif len(args) != 1:
print('Must specify single input file')
main(args[0], dump_module)