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"""Utilities for writing StencilGroups out to a C header file."""
import typing
import _schema
import _stencils
def _dump_header() -> typing.Iterator[str]:
yield "typedef enum {"
for kind in typing.get_args(_schema.HoleKind):
yield f" HoleKind_{kind},"
yield "} HoleKind;"
yield ""
yield "typedef enum {"
for value in _stencils.HoleValue:
yield f" HoleValue_{value.name},"
yield "} HoleValue;"
yield ""
yield "typedef struct {"
yield " const size_t offset;"
yield " const HoleKind kind;"
yield " const HoleValue value;"
yield " const void *symbol;"
yield " const uint64_t addend;"
yield "} Hole;"
yield ""
yield "typedef struct {"
yield " const size_t body_size;"
yield " const unsigned char * const body;"
yield " const size_t holes_size;"
yield " const Hole * const holes;"
yield "} Stencil;"
yield ""
yield "typedef struct {"
yield " const Stencil code;"
yield " const Stencil data;"
yield "} StencilGroup;"
yield ""
def _dump_footer(opnames: typing.Iterable[str]) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
yield "#define INIT_STENCIL(STENCIL) { \\"
yield " .body_size = Py_ARRAY_LENGTH(STENCIL##_body) - 1, \\"
yield " .body = STENCIL##_body, \\"
yield " .holes_size = Py_ARRAY_LENGTH(STENCIL##_holes) - 1, \\"
yield " .holes = STENCIL##_holes, \\"
yield "}"
yield ""
yield "#define INIT_STENCIL_GROUP(OP) { \\"
yield " .code = INIT_STENCIL(OP##_code), \\"
yield " .data = INIT_STENCIL(OP##_data), \\"
yield "}"
yield ""
yield "static const StencilGroup stencil_groups[512] = {"
for opname in opnames:
if opname == "trampoline":
yield f" [{opname}] = INIT_STENCIL_GROUP({opname}),"
yield "};"
yield ""
yield "static const StencilGroup trampoline = INIT_STENCIL_GROUP(trampoline);"
yield ""
yield "#define GET_PATCHES() { \\"
for value in _stencils.HoleValue:
yield f" [HoleValue_{value.name}] = (uintptr_t)0xBADBADBADBADBADB, \\"
yield "}"
def _dump_stencil(opname: str, group: _stencils.StencilGroup) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
yield f"// {opname}"
for part, stencil in [("code", group.code), ("data", group.data)]:
for line in stencil.disassembly:
yield f"// {line}"
if stencil.body:
size = len(stencil.body) + 1
yield f"static const unsigned char {opname}_{part}_body[{size}] = {{"
for i in range(0, len(stencil.body), 8):
row = " ".join(f"{byte:#04x}," for byte in stencil.body[i : i + 8])
yield f" {row}"
yield "};"
yield f"static const unsigned char {opname}_{part}_body[1];"
if stencil.holes:
size = len(stencil.holes) + 1
yield f"static const Hole {opname}_{part}_holes[{size}] = {{"
for hole in stencil.holes:
yield f" {hole.as_c()},"
yield "};"
yield f"static const Hole {opname}_{part}_holes[1];"
yield ""
def dump(groups: dict[str, _stencils.StencilGroup]) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
"""Yield a JIT compiler line-by-line as a C header file."""
yield from _dump_header()
for opname, group in groups.items():
yield from _dump_stencil(opname, group)
yield from _dump_footer(groups)